The final battle

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"Avada kedavra" A deep voice draws you to a higher tunnel from where a tall shadow appears.

The whispers inside your mind growing louder, you watch as the troll stumbles forward and drops to the ground, a cloud of dust rushing into the air, the gravel jumping at the impact of the giant troll. "Sebastian"

Climbing down the stone wall, his broad grin makes your heart skip a beat, but the sadness in his eyes tears through it at the same time. "Couldn't leave you alone down here" His hand reaches out to brush dust off your shirt, but at the sight of the blood he hesitates. "Salem-" The fingers gesture at a giant scratch on your shoulder that you have not noticed as the adrenaline rushes through your veins. "Let me heal, y-"

"No" You brush off his hand, aching at your actions, but when your glance rises to meet his, you stand still as well. The tall body sunken in, his shoulders hanging low as he swallows, the head turned from you, "Sebastian, you should not be here. I did not mean for you to come"

"You rather wish to die alone than have me by your side?"

Pressing your lips together, you hear the goblins fight farther along the tunnel, more groans and yelling, then footsteps comes near. "No, but neither do I want to lose you, neither does Ominis"

At the mention of his best friends name, Sebastian lifts his head to look at you, the dull brown hair falling to the side as his eyes linger on yours, "Ominis hates me"

Your body leant into his, you lift your head to look at Sebastian as your arms wrap around him. "No, and he will need you, but I cannot fight this battle with you by my side. You have to leave"

"No, you promised to be here as long as I am" The head rested against yours, Sebastian pulls you close, his hand reaching over your face, to your neck lifting your face to his, "I am here, Salem, please"

A tear rolls over your face, the clashing of metal ringing in your ears as well as heartbeats, plenty of them, coming your way. Your lips pressed to Sebastian's, you wipe the tear and look at him one more time. "I am sorry" As your hand waves through the air, chains emerge from the ground, wrapping around his arms, binding him in his spot.

"Salem, no. Let me g-" As those words roll over his lips a shield of bright blue magic forms around him, locking him into a sphere of magic, red and green slithers of lights spinning around him as he stands there, chained, his body leant forward to fight against the strength of the chains, but they withstand his anger.

You watch his face turn red, the anger and betrayal in his eyes as you turn around and walk towards the end of the tunnel. "It's not your battle to fight"

The skin on his wrists irritated and grazed from the strong goblin metal that holds him in place, Sebastian screams, but not a sound leaves the dome of magic you have set over him. Defeated, he sinks to the ground, his arms aching from how much he has pulled on the chains, mumbling incantations while he stares at the chains that shimmer at his words, but do not break. His sight of you blurs as tears rush into his eyes, the heart aching from all he has lost.

Your chest heaves from the sudden sting inside, forcing you to drop to the ground, tears shooting to your eyes as you inhale and close your eyes, feeling the wet drops on your hand, wiping them with your sleeve. Another deep breath, the cold mouldy air filling your lungs, you stare at the moss that has grown all around on the wet stone and along the path that you follow.

"Salem!" A gleeful smile on your lips, you rush forward to greet Professor Fig, handing him a potion as he struggles to stand straight, then move on, along the narrow tunnel, through another crowd of goblins. Some of them rising from the dead to fight off more than attack from behind, but Professor Fig moves on so quick he does not notice them follow you deeper into the cavern towards the sound of another drill.

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