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Just like now in the tomb, you fight your way to the other side, but then in the end, you find nothing but a dead Ashwinder. Exhausted, you activate a mechanism that leads you straight back to Lodgok and tell him about it.

He asks you to retrieve the helmet from the camp that is not far from the tomb. At first you hesitate, thinking about bringing Atticus and Alec with you, but if the Ashwinders are on the move, walking back to Hogsmead and then to the camp might give them just enough time to vanish, and considering they can apparate, you might not find them soon enough.

A sigh rolls over your lips as you agree to go on alone, and hurry the way down the mountain, a mongrel in your way, "depulso" you yell out as it charges at you, gather the fur and hurry on, down the slope into the forbidden forest.

How familiar the place has become, dark and yet peaceful, if not for the purple and black mist that hushes through the air, striking the ground. Loyalists. At once, the disillusionment charm cast over you, hidden behind a rock, you watch as they enter a place you have seen before, an arena.

Silent to not alarm them, the wind drowning out your steps on the dry ground, you walk through bushes, the branches smacking you in the face until you reach the path that leads to the camp. From the distance, you hear screams then a growl and watch as a troll rages through the camp, striking the Ashwinders down one after the other.

"Expulso" one yells, but drops not a moment later, hit by the troll's club.

Your wand in hand, you want to reveal yourself and fight the troll, but then you spot Akira and Alex on the other side of the camp, fighting with poachers that have locked the giant silver wolf into a cage. It growls and jumps around, but cannot escape the cage.

Cornered by the poachers, Alex stands back to back with Akira, who deflects a spell from the poacher before him, then spots you on the other side of the bridge, your eyes on them when the troll swings its club at you and you dodge just in time for it to hit the ground, some rocks shooting into the air.

Using your ancient magic, you take down the troll, but the Ashwinders have taken note of your presence and attack you as well, keeping the boys at bay. No matter how much they fight, the several poachers surrounding them manage to disarm and lock them away.

At the sight of the two being forced into a tent, their wands in the hands of poachers, you use the Thunderbrew potion and walk through the Ashwinders like it is nothing. At once, you set the wolf free, watching as it dashes off into the woods, out of sight. Although the fight is over, both thunder and lightning still strike the ground around you until the last bit dies out and you hurry into the tent, only to find it bigger on the inside.

After the first flight of stairs, you hear Alex call out when a poacher strikes him down, Akira yelling for them to leave him be. The disillusionment charm on you, you stalk closer, pull a mandrake from your pocket and use the chance to disarm the first poacher.



"Expulso" one of them yells at you, but you dodge the strike and slip over the edge of the first platform, hanging on by your left hand as the right holds your wand. "Merlin!" you let out, pulling yourself back up and dodge again when red light shoots your way.

"Salem, look out" Alex screams when two men approach you from behind and grab your arms, keeping you from using your wand. "No"

In the heat of the moment, you use ancient throw to knock a barrel against the man behind you, then free your hands and punch the other in the face, giving you enough time to smile. "Levioso, depulso, descendo" you yell, watching as the man flies through the air, then rushes down several storeys to land at the bottom, the wooden floor aching under the impact.

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