A presentation of the houses

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The terrible taste of healing potion gulped down, you remain in bed until the loud cheers erupt from below. "The celebrations must have started," you state, still half asleep, your stomach emptying into the bucket again as it feels the bed swinging like on a ship. "Garreth?"

"Mr Weasley was sent out. This tumult in here is not practical when having to run from one student to the next." Her head turned, she sighs when Alec rises from his bed, the eyes on you as you lay still, the dried blood underneath your nose.

A smug grin wanders onto his lips, but he flinches at the sting, the fingers reaching to his eyes. Bruised, swollen. "Knocked off your broom? Who got you in here, Morningstar?"

With a scoff, you drop back onto the bed, the fingers pointed in his direction. "Your girlfriend," you say before the partition moves back into place, blocking Alec's view.

A bunch of mini hopping toadstools in a glass, Poppy stands at the entrance to the hospital wing, smiling when she spots Madam Blainey. "Is Salem all right? I heard from Robert that-"

"I am well," you assure her, your stomach still in a knot. "If Madam Blainey allows, I will leave right now." Your jaw clenched, you hear a scoff from the other side of the partition.

At the sound of it, Poppy places the toadstool onto the bedside table then walks around the partition, her fists pressed into her sides. "And what is so funny? Robert told me that your girlfriend Tara attacked Salem, although they helped for the second match. She had no right to do so, Salem has done nothing wrong."

"Of course not, and my nose looked like this before the game."

"It' s always been a little crooked," you whisper, smiling to yourself.

Rolling her eyes, another potion in hand, Madam Blainey approaches Alec. "Mr Hawthorn, your nose is fixed, the bruises may take time to heal, but mentally you seem to be well enough, you may leave the hospital wing and return after supper for another check-up."

After a quick argument and Madam Blainey tossing a towel at him, Alec leaves the hospital wing, Poppy still standing, the fists to her hips, her eyes narrowed until he vanishes around the corner.

With a pleased smile, she approaches the bed, pours you some more water and has a seat on the chair, watching as the mini hopping toadstool jump around in the glass. "Thought it might cheer you up. It's no snidgets, but better than having to stare at the ceiling the entire time."

"Thank you, Poppy." Your hand rested on hers, you take some water and sit up, your head still buzzing. "How did the match go?"

"Dragonfighter, Troll slayer, Goblin butcher and Foe to all dark wizards-" A defeated half-hearted smile, Akira, his arm around Alex's shoulder steps into the hospital wing, "-defeated by a girl. You surprise me." His arms rested onto the foot of your bed, Akira lowers himself until he crouches. "Heard what happened. Weasley wouldn't stop talking about it, and Robert-" All eyes wander to Poppy, who turns her head away from the others, "Well after his dearest Hufflepuff here spoke with him, we all heard him yell at Tara."

"Not to mention Hecat. She ordered Tara into her office, and when she came out almost an hour later, she wouldn't stop crying," Alex adds, holding out the snitch. "It's from Weasley. Atticus had to tie him up to prevent him from disturbing you up here."

Chuckling, you hold the small ball in your hands. "I don't even know, if you're joking or not. It does sound like Atticus."

Patting you on the leg, Akira rises, the arms stretched. "Well, if you hear someone scream in the dungeons-" he gives you a wink, "ignore him."

The partition moves aside, behind it, the legs stretched out on the bed, a cup of water in hand, Yuki grins. "Sounds like Gray, Weasley tied up, Gryffindor defeated. It's a good day."

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