Chapter Three : The Dragon

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It almost seemed that as soon as the carriage was up in the air, it began to descend towards the city and landed in a dark alley before driving onto the dark, empty street.

Sabrina looked around. "Sir?"

"Don't worry," Professor Fig told her. "We'll just be meeting someone here from the Ministry of Magic, then we'll be back in the air."

It was strange. Sabrina hadn't felt like she had been flying at all, just as soon as they had touched ground she had realized she was gripping the seats next to her with white knuckles.

Professor Fig got out of the carriage, and immediately he greeted a man who walked towards them. Sabrina hadn't seen him there a moment before... or perhaps she wasn't paying as much attention as she thought she was. The two men talked for a moment before they got back in the carriage. This new man was younger than Professor Fig, although his eyes looked aged and tired. His brown hair was completely combed back, speckled with some gray, and his silver spectacles complimented his porky face. He looked quite intelligent, if Sabrina had to put a name to it.

"Ah, hello!" his chipper voice sounded. "You must be the new charge that Eleazar wrote in his letter! George Osric, at your service."

George held out a hand to Sabrina, who after a few seconds of surprise finally took his hand and shook it. "Nice to meet you," she said.

The carriage door closed behind Professor Fig, and before Sabrina could get used to it again, the carriage was up in the air flying higher and higher into the clouds until nothing but sky surrounded them. Sabrina had never felt so small before.

"Well, I'm glad I caught you before you left for Scotland," George told Professor Fig. "You wouldn't believe the trouble I had finding you. And who is your traveling companion?"

Professor Fig turned to Sabrina and smiled. "A new student."

George looked surprised. "New?"

Sabrina spoke up politely. "Yes, sir, I'm starting school as a fifth year. My name is Sabrina Pryor."

"How extraordinary."

"Indeed," Professor Fig agreed. "None of the faculty has ever heard of anyone being admitted into Hogwarts so late."

Sabrina looked at him. "Wait," she said, suddenly forgetting her manners. "What do you mean 'admitted so late'?"

This question didn't bother Fig. "Well, most students start at Hogwarts around the time they turn eleven years old," he explained. "But every once in a while, we get a late bloomer, such as yourself, who come in just a few years late."

Great, Sabrina thought. Not only am I the new girl, I'll be years behind everyone else. Just what I need, a great big target on my back. She could already hear the bullies in her head laughing.

"Well, you couldn't have asked for a better mentor," George said, looking at Sabrina as if sensing her uneasiness. "Not only is Professor Fig an exceptional teacher, he is also a remarkably intuitive – and gifted – wizard."

Professor Fig chuckled. "Mr. Osric is prone to flattery," he told the girl.

At that moment, George took out a newspaper out of his pocket and opened it for the pair to see. "Have you seen this?"

The top of the newspaper read The Daily Prophet, and in a big headline across the entire front page it read RANROK'S GOBLIN REBELLION. Truth? Or Gobbledegook? With the title, it also showed a moving photograph of a weird creature Sabrina had ever seen. His face was scrunched together, with a big hook nose and long ears extending past the back of his head. His eyes looked furrowed down, obviously angry at something. His scowl sent a shiver down Sabrina's spine.

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