Chapter Twenty-Six: Ranrok's Plans

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My plan with the helmet failed. But I have another idea. I think we may be able to find what we need at a goblin mine a bit south of Hogwarts. Meet me there in three days.
And bring someone who speaks Gobbledegook.

Sabrina had torn open the letter as soon as she got it. It had been waiting for her when they got back from Feldcroft, and after what had happened she knew she was going to need a distraction.

Sebastian hadn't said a word since Solomon left them out there. Anne had a similar look of devastation on her face that mirrored Sebastian, and Sabrina could do nothing but stand by and watch it. She felt utterly useless.

But the letter from Lodgok brought a spark of hope back to her. If she couldn't find a way to help Sebastian, maybe she could find a way to discover what Ranrok was really doing. If she could take him down, then they wouldn't have to fight any more Loyalists, and then everyone would finally be safe. He was looking for stores of magic for his own power, but how? And how did he know where to look?

Sabrina read the letter again and then felt what hope she had start to dwindle.

Who was she going to find in three days that could speak Gobbledegook?

Two days went by and Sabrina had absolutely no luck. She checked out every book in the library she could find on Gobbledegook and learned nothing, and there were no other goblins in Hogsmeade that she could approach, let alone ask for translation help. And she knew she couldn't ask Sebastian.

In fact, Sabrina had no intention of telling Sebastian any of this. She knew how upset he would be, and the last thing she honestly wanted to deal with was an angry Sebastian. He already wouldn't talk to her since they got back, and Sabrina couldn't understand why. She had defended him against Solomon, argued with him and said that Sebastian was justified in using dark magic to save Anne. She stood by his side, and after all that he wouldn't hardly look at her. In fact, both him and Ominis seemed to be avoiding her since the catacombs.

So much for being my friend.

"Sabrina? Sabrina!"

Her head snapped up and saw both Natty and Poppy staring at her, concerned. Sabrina had gone to the library after class to read some more books on Gobbledegook, but she instead felt like her brain was melting. "I'm sorry," she said politely to the girls who had sat across from her. "What did you say?"

"We were wondering why you're suddenly reading books on Gobbledegook," Natty replied.

Sabrina sighed, feeling defeated. "Well, I have to go see Lodgok tomorrow and he told me to bring someone who speaks Gobbledegook, but I don't know anyone so I thought I would try and study some before we meet up."

Poppy thought for a minute before she looked at Natty. "Didn't Amit once say he studied Gobbledegook?"

"I believe so," Natty said. "Although he does like to exaggerate so I'm not sure how much of it is true."

"Amit?" Sabrina's ears picked up. "Amit Thakkar? From potions?"

"He's sort of a brainiac," Poppy added. "Very sweet, but likes to ramble on and on. Yes, I remember he said he studied it because his parents have a huge library they brought over from India and they have quite a few books on the subject along with books on hippogriffs and kneazles."

Sabrina felt like her heart was racing. "Where can I find him?"

Poppy pondered. "Maybe by the Ravenclaw Common Room?"

Natty shook her head. "No, I have him in Divination as well. His true passion is star reading, so I bet he's probably up in the Astronomy Tower."

Sabrina was already slamming her books closed as she stood up. "Have I ever told you girls how much I appreciate you?" she asked before she grabbed her scarf to rush out. "Can you put away my books? I have to find Amit!"

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