Chapter Eleven : Anger

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"Hello, brother."

Ominis sighed, waving his wand slightly to stop it from reading the book he had in his hand. "Hello, sister."

His older sister, Verena, scoffed. "I'm surprised to see you alone in the common room this evening. I wonder where your half-blood Sallow ran off to? Is he getting into trouble with the librarian again? I've heard he's already gotten detention for sneaking into the Restricted Section. I also heard that if he gets one more detention they're likely to expel him."

Ominis turned his head in her direction. "Do you actually have something important to say or are you just here to say the same nonsensical things you always do?" He had no love lost for his family, especially his older siblings.

"Don't get smart with me, defect!" Verena's voice was now sharper than it was already. "Just because Marvolo isn't here–"

"You and I both know that Marvolo being gone is a blessing for you just as well as it is for me, now what do you want?"

Merlin, how Ominis hated his family. Ever since he was a child, his siblings especially seemed to make it their personal mission to torment and taunt him. They loved it when they saw him angry, and as much as Ominis hated giving into their bait, this evening he really had no patience. He would never admit it to her, but he was worried and agitated about Sebastian sneaking into the library again. That boy just did not want to listen.

"Did you write to Father about the new fifth-year mudblood?"

Ominis internally winced at that word. "I hardly felt it important to tell him," he said honestly.

"Everything that has to do with Slytherin is important, brother. You seem to forget that."

"Why do you ask?"

"Because I did. It's a disgrace and an embarrassment to let a mudblood into Slytherin!" Verena exclaimed. "I'm outright insulted!"

"We don't know if she is a muggleborn," Ominis countered. "She was raised in a muggle orphanage, that doesn't mean–"

"And what sane witch or wizard would send their child to a mudblood orphanage? Can you think of anyone?"

The boy had often thought and wondered the same thing. A Muggleborn Slytherin was very rare, but he couldn't explain how Sabrina could be anything other than that. A witch or wizard would have given the child to their family if they were incapable of caring for them, otherwise they risked exposure of the wizarding world.

Unless that witch or wizard had no family, or any magical abilities themselves.

Verena scoffed again. "I don't think I could stand being in the same class as that embarrassment."

Ominis scowled. "Then thank your stars you're not. Now if that is all–"

"Oh, no, actually I have one more thing to share."

"Then share it so you can promptly leave my sight."

He could hear Verena's smile. "I heard a rumor that the new mudblood was sneaking into the library with Sallow tonight."

This caught Ominis off guard. Why would Sabrina Pryor be sneaking into the library with Sebastian? No, his sister was lying. How would she know this? And why did it matter to her?

"Poor, poor little defect. His first little friend getting cursed by a worthless little goblin, now his second friend threatening to get expelled by the help of a filthy little mudblood! I should feel sorry for you. By the end of this year, you will be all alone, and you'll have no choice but to come home to us. Better embrace it now, because soon you'll be a proper Gaunt along with the rest of us."

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