Chapter Six : Hogsmeade

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The giant snake moved up on the large stone wall, revealing the dark green door to the Slytherin common room. Sabrina couldn't help but sigh as she walked inside, closing the door before she leaned against it. It was late, but exactly how late she wasn't too sure. All Sabrina knew for sure was that she was alive. She was sore and exhausted, but she was safe back inside Hogwarts.

Away from Gringotts. Away from Ranrok....

Sabrina felt a shiver run down her spine just thinking of the goblin and his red eyes. She never knew a creature could be truly that evil, but just the way he looked at her was enough to make her feel sick.

Then the other events of the night came back to her. She could see traces of Ancient Magic. According to Professor Fig, this was rare and unheard of. "No one else at Hogwarts can see what you can," he had explained. "Nor can they know about it either. This sort of magic can be taken advantage of if used in the wrong hands."

So not only was she being gawked at because she was the new student, rare and abnormal because of her magic appearing late, but now she could see magic that others could not see or even fathom. Sabrina was off to a great start.

Sighing, Sabrina stood up and walked down the metal stairs to the main common room area. The only lights on now were the fireplaces, darkening the already dim common room even more. Most everyone, it seemed, had gone to bed. Good. Sabrina didn't really feel like talking to anyone.

Just as she passed the main fireplace, Sabrina jumped. "Mr. Gaunt," she said, putting a hand on her chest to calm her startled heart. "Oh my goodness, I didn't see you there."

Ominis had been sitting by the fireplace, in one of the velvet green chairs next to it. He turned his head towards her, his pale eyes open but just barely. "Sabrina," he responded. Her name sounded soft on his lips. "You are back late. Sebastian was beginning to worry. And please, call me Ominis. Mr. Gaunt refers to my father."

On the large couch, Sabrina finally noticed the dark haired boy from earlier, passed out and mouth open as he lay with his hand behind his head. He seemed to have fallen asleep a long time ago.

Wait. "Were you... waiting for me?" Sabrina asked, incredulously.

"Sebastian was," Ominis answered. "He wanted to check in and see how your first day went, but he seems to have fallen asleep. You are back rather late. Is everything alright?"

Sabrina could hardly believe it. They had stayed up... to check on her? "I was with Professor Fig," she finally said. "I'm sorry that you were up so late because of me."

"It is really no trouble. I would have been awake anyway."

"Why is that?"

She saw Ominis hesitate before he simply said, "I don't sleep well. I get... nightmares."

"Oh...." Sabrina understood that too well. "I know what you mean. I'm sorry."

Ominis stood up, his black wand out and lighting up in red pulses. "I am glad to see you back safely," he said. "But we should head to bed now. Do you remember where your common room is?"

"Yes," Sabrina answered. "Again... thank you. I still feel bad."

"Please don't. Get some rest, and we'll see you tomorrow."

Sabrina nodded and moved to walk away. "Good night... Ominis."

As Sabrina walked up the metal stairs to her dorm, she heard Sebastian grunt and say something. Ominis probably woke him up, Sabrina thought tiredly as she went into her room.

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