Chapter Twenty-Five : What Have You Done?

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"I think we should leave first thing in the morning."

Sebastian caught up with Sabrina in the library and got straight to the point. He startled the girl, who had lost track of time among her books and essays. When Sabrina looked up, she saw the sun had already set behind the mountains outside. Sebastian sat next to her, anxiously waiting for her reply.

"To Feldcroft?" Sabrina asked finally.

"If we leave first thing, we can be back in time for tea with Ominis," Sebastian smiled. "We'll just lie to him and say we were studying early, and he'll never know."

Sabrina sighed, closing her book. "I hate lying to him."

"We won't be lying. We're just keeping him out of it for a while."

"Isn't that the same thing?"

Sebastian's eyes bore into her. She could see a hint of suspicion cloud his eyes. "Why are you so worried about it? You don't have to come with me if you don't want to."

"I didn't say that." As much as Sabrina didn't want to go to the catacombs, she had a feeling if she didn't go with Sebastian then something bad would happen. It was safer to travel in numbers anyway, especially with all the goblins around. "I said I'll go with you, and I'll keep my word."

Sebastian smiled. "Great! I'll see you tomorrow at the front gates!"

Sabrina watched as Sebastian got up and walked out. She couldn't get the sinking feeling that this was a bad idea. Ominis' words had been ringing in her mind since the meeting in the Undercroft, and the pains from the Cruciatus curse still lingered at night when she tried to sleep. But she also didn't like the idea of Sebastian pursuing this alone. Sabrina was trying hard to convince herself she was doing this to protect Sebastian. He was her best friend.

So is Ominis, her mind suddenly argued with her, and her stomach sunk deeper.

She looked at the parchment in front of her and began to pack it up so she could head down to dinner. As she put away a small piece, an idea came to her mind.

She had made a promise to Ominis to tell him if Sebastian pursued this further, and this was a promise she was not going to break as she quickly got her ink back out and began writing.

Sabrina and Sebastian arrived at the Feldcroft floo travel point as the first light came over the hills. It had snowed the night before, so the ground was hard and the air seemed to rush right through them. Instead of taking the right fork as they normally did, Sebastian led them down the left fork and headed deeper into the mountains. "This relic you mentioned...." Sabrina spoke, trying to ease the silence between them.

"I believe one of Slytherin's students stumbled upon the relic during an assignment to study sarcophagi in the catacomb," Sebastian began explaining. "From what I read in a report by the student, they weren't permitted to take it with them. So, we must assume it's still here. And like I told you back at Hogwarts, this relic grants its holder the power to reverse Dark Magic curses. If it's in this catacomb, I have to find it."

"Did the student discover anything else in their report?" she asked.

"I can show you when we get back. Unfortunately, there's no name on it. But I suspect if it was important enough for Slytherin to stash in his spellbook then it's worthy of further study."

The pair finally reached the stone doors of the catacomb. Sabrina looked over and saw Sebastian's hand begin to shake nervously as he opened the doors. "Perhaps we can visit Anne when we're done exploring," she suggested, placing a hand on his arm gently to try and reassure him.

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