Chapter Eighteen : Kindred Spirits

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A/N: You may need tissues. Heavy themes ahead....


When Sabrina and Sebastian had returned from the Undercroft, they had found it was later in the afternoon than they had anticipated. They went to dinner, hoping to see Ominis there but it seemed he still hadn't come out of the common room. Silently, the two ate their dinners, wrapped some food in a napkin for Ominis, and went back to their dorms to sleep off the adrenaline they were feeling from the day's adventure.

Sabrina could not fall asleep. Her mind kept turning, thinking back to the painting at the estate and why it kept gnawing at her. Something felt very wrong with it.. And why were the goblins at Isidora's home? What were they looking for, and what had they missed?

Sabrina sighed, turning her head to the side in an attempt to relax. But when she did, she screamed and jumped up, trying to crawl away from the dark figure standing next to her bed. Sabrina felt for her wand, a sense of panic washing over her as she realized it was laying on the nightstand next to the mysterious person. Sabrina felt her heart beating wildly, all of her nerves on edge, but her eyes never left the shadow for a moment.

The figure lifted its head, looking straight at Sabrina, and it was only then that she recognized who this person was. But... how?

"Don't trust everything they tell you," Isidora Morganach told her. "They will only try to hold you back. You are capable of so much more, you just have to believe it. You are strong enough, and you can wield this magic. Believe in yourself, you have to be able to think for yourself or you will follow the same misinformed mistakes as so many before you."

"They? Who are they?" Sabrina asked. "What are you talking about?"

Isidora only smiled. "Step out of the dark, Sabrina."

Sabrina jolted awake then. She looked around her, frantically sitting back up and looking around, but Isidora was gone. Just another nightmare.

As she tried to steady her heart, Sabrina realized how sweaty and sticky she was. Her nightgown was sticking to her uncomfortably despite how cold the dorm room was now that the fireplace had dwindled. She sighed, but quickly got out of bed to change her nightclothes.

She also now knew that no matter how hard Sabrina tried, sleep would not greet her again.

That was how she found herself walking to the common room once she had changed clothes. Sabrina was hoping that sitting in front of the main fireplace would help to calm down her nerves, still feeling like they were ready to crawl out of her skin at any moment. When Sabrina reached the main room, she was unsurprised to see she wasn't the only one who had the same idea she did.

"You should have seen her, Ominis. She's gotten worse." Sebastian was pacing in front of the fireplace, his steps anxious as he recounted what happened in Feldcroft. "And then, he just locks us out. Locks me out! Like I'm not allowed to see my own sister!"

Ominis was sitting on the couch, his back to Sabrina. "I agree, Solomon locking you out just because Anne had another episode is a bit more than called for."

"He blames me. Yet whenever I try to help, he yells at me. I can't win!"

Ominis turned his head slightly in the direction behind him. "Hello Sabrina," he greeted. His voice was worn and tired, nothing at all like the playfulness he had in it that morning.

Sebastian looked up, noticing her for the first time. "I hope we didn't wake you."

Sabrina sighed as she walked to sit next to Ominis on the couch. "No, you didn't. I couldn't sleep."

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