Chapter Nineteen : The Helm of Urktot

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The dynamic with the three had changed literally overnight.

Ever since the night after Feldcroft, Sabrina began to notice Ominis and Sebastian involving her more with their activities, whether it was studying or dueling practice or spending time together in the Undercroft, and Sabrina found herself being more open and forgiving with them, even laughing hysterically with them when the occasion called for it. Sabrina couldn't remember how long it had been since she had properly laughed.

The air was clear now, no more room for misunderstandings. The three now seemed to completely understand each other finally, and because of it they became inseparable.

Sabrina had never felt more welcome in her entire life. She was beginning to finally feel like a normal teenager.

That was, until, she got a letter from Sirona nearly two weeks after her last discussion with her.

Lodgok is back in Hogsmeade if you're still interested in speaking with him. You can find him down by the Hog's Head Inn if you need him.

Sabrina had not forgotten her mission. A few times a week, she found herself studying and practicing her ancient magic with Professor Fig, trying to learn and understand all they could about her abilities. However, there wasn't a lot they could find about it. Any mentions of the Keepers provided very little information, and so far she had not been able to find anything on Isidora Morganach. Despite that, the news of Lodgok being back excited Sabrina, and it made her hopeful that they would start to get answers about Ranrok.

When her classes were over on that Friday, Sabrina immediately changed out of her uniform and began to head out of the castle.

"Sabrina!" Sebastian called, catching her as she passed the Great Hall. "I was just looking for you. Where are you going?"

Sabrina caught herself before she answered. Normally she wouldn't have hesitated, but she knew how Sebastian felt about goblins and figured it would be better to hold off for now. "Sirona down at the Three Broomsticks has asked me to run an errand for her," she lied. "I'll be back soon."

"Alright," Sebastian responded. He seemed to accept the tale without question. "Be safe, there's still those Ashwinders out. And hurry back, I want to talk to you and Ominis in the Undercroft later."

The girl quickly ran to Hogsmeade, anxious for answers but also nervous. The only other goblin she had spoken with besides Ranrok was the goblin at Gringotts, and the goblins around Hogwarts seemed to be much harsher and mean than he had been. As Sabrina walked up to the Hogs Head Inn, she realized that she really didn't know what she was getting herself into.

But they needed to know what Ranrok was after. She had to find a way to stop him from coming after her.

Sabrina walked into the small stone building. The Hogs Head Inn was nothing compared to the Three Broomsticks. It was a lot darker here, with taxidermied beast heads on the walls, whiskey barrels behind the front bar, and only three tables huddled around the fireplace. At one of the tables was the goblin Sabrina briefly remembered. He looked much older than the Gringotts goblin, with thick wrinkles and white hair and thick white eyebrows. His hooked nose was a feature Sabrina had learned was normal among goblins, along with the pointed ears and sharp teeth, but overall the girl thought that this goblin just looked very old and weary.

Lodgok had been drinking from his tankard when he saw the student approach him. "Can I help you?" he asked, his voice even reminding Sabrina of an old grandfather.

Sabrina cleared her throat. "Lodgok, my name is Sabrina Pryor," she introduced. "I'm a fifth year up at Hogwarts. Sirona said I might find you here."

Lodgok put down his tankard. "She did, did she?" he asked. "Did she send you with any news?"

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