Chapter Twenty-Two : Halloween

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Ever since they entered the Scriptorium, Sabrina had felt like something was wrong. Having her endure the Cruciatus Curse only seemed to further that, and she felt like even when she lay down on her bed, her muscles were still crying in pain. All she longed for was rest, and eventually she fell asleep as the pain seemed to subside.

However, something changed in the middle of the night. At first she had just been laying in darkness, then suddenly the pain came back. It wasn't as bad as it was before, but it still felt like needles stabbing in Sabrina's skin, and then she was on fire yet again. It felt like it was slowly engulfing her, becoming hotter and hotter with every breath she took.

Sabrina screamed in agony, and finally when she thought she couldn't bear it anymore, the pain stopped. Sabrina looked up and found that she was now sitting in a hard wooden chair, her hands tied behind her back and her feet tied to the chair legs. She felt very sore, like she had been in that position for a while, and she was now aware of how much her face was also hurting.

"Ready to talk now?" an icy voice rang from the darkness.

The girl looked up, saw a figure coming towards her before it began to circle her. Like a vulture. She couldn't see his face, but that didn't stop her from hating him on sight.

"Come now," the voice said again. "This would all end if you would just tell us where the repository is."

"Fuck you," Sabrina felt herself spit out.

The man struck her face violently, forcing Sabrina to face the other way. "You are the only one with this knowledge." The man was now sitting in front of her. "If you tell us, we'll let you on your way. Back to your life, your home, your family."

It felt like an icicle stabbed the girls' heart, and she panted despite trying to hold it together.

"What was that little girls' name again? I'm sure if you tell me about the repository, you can go back to her."

"I'll never tell you." Sabrina didn't know where this courage was coming from, but it allowed her to look up at the icy blue eyes of the man, seeing it match his cold-hearted voice. "I will die before I tell you anything."

The man stood up, removing his gaze from her as he scoffed in frustration. "Suit yourself." Then, a blinding flash of green woke her up.

When Sabrina finally opened her eyes again, it took her a while to adjust her eyes to the brightness coming from the windows above. But that was odd. The Slytherin Common Rooms didn't have windows in the dorms, let alone any sort of sunlight. She looked around groggily, noticing the other empty bed around her and some changing screens around one or two of them. When she saw Nurse Blainey, she finally deciphered that she must be in the infirmary.

Wait. How did she get in the infirmary? And also, why was she in the infirmary?

What happened?

"Ah, there you are."

Sabrina turned towards the voice, a sense of warm relief coming over her. "Professor?"

Professor Fig smiled gently, sitting up in the chair next to her bed. "How are you feeling, Sabrina?"

She moved to sit up, her arms still sore but otherwise feeling stronger. "I'm well," she said truthfully. "A bit sore and tired.... What am I doing here?"

"Miss Reyes, Miss Roberts, and Miss McDowell woke up and found you crying and running a very high temperature. They said you were so warm, they had a hard time carrying you to the infirmary. Nurse Blainey tried nearly everything before you finally started to cool down."

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