Chapter Thirty : Isidora's Side

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"How was Feldcroft?" Sabrina asked the morning after Christmas when she saw Ominis again.

Ominis only sighed, taking a piece of lemon and adding it into his tea. "We got to secretly meet up with Anne, exchange gifts... Sebastian told her about the relic."

Sabrina sighed. "And?"

"She's worried."

Who isn't, the girl thought to herself.

"Solomon is talking about leaving."

Sabrina put down her spoon rather harshly. "Leave? And go where? He can't take Sebastian away from Hogwarts!"

"He wasn't talking about taking Sebastian with him."

The pain in Ominis' voice hit her heart with such force, Sabrina had to catch her breath from shock. "What? He wants to just leave Sebastian here? Alone?"

Ominis nodded solemnly. "Sebastian didn't take that well either."

Sabrina felt like crying. She knew exactly how it felt to feel abandoned by family, and with Solomon threatening to do just that to Sebastian, she knew he was probably more than just devastated.

Quickly, Sabrina rose to her feet, said a quick goodbye to Ominis, and headed to the Undercroft where she knew Sebastian would be.

Sure enough, when Sabrina entered the dark dungeon, she saw that the tall boy was sitting in front of the fire, nose deep in a book and avoiding eye contact. From the look on his face, she could tell he wasn't really reading. "Sebastian...."

"Solomon is planning on taking Anne from Feldcroft." Sebastian's voice was devoid of any emotion, his knuckles hardening about his book.

Sabrina took a hesitant breath. "I know."

"Without me."

"I know."

"How can he do this? And just leave me here? I know I've been an ornery shit, but... he can't just leave me."

Sabrina didn't have to see Sebastian's face to know he was fighting back angry tears. She felt herself also fighting her wet eyes, her soul aching for him with more understanding than he would ever understand. "Sebastian..." she said, her voice faltering slightly. "I am so sorry."

For a moment, neither of them spoke. The crackling of the fireplace was the only noise throughout the Undercroft, and the silence deafening to both of them. Finally, Sebastian stood up, closed his book, and looked at Sabrina. His face was a mixture of pain, desperation, and sorrow. "I have to fix her."

Sabrina looked up to meet his eyes.

"If I can cure her, then they won't have to leave. They can stay! Anne can stay!"


"I'm so close to finding out the secret of the relic! Soon, I'll know what and how to use this 'dark sacrifice' mentioned and I can cure her!" His eyes suddenly darted behind her, and he dashed forwards towards the triptych and the large empty piece in the middle. "Maybe... maybe this can lead to answers too! Sabrina, we have to go find the last piece!"

Sabrina looked at the empty triptych. She had also been thinking about it, wondering where the last piece was and what it all meant. Her dreams had also been plagued with Isidora and the last memory she received from Fitzgerald, knowing that something wasn't right with it, but she still couldn't figure out what. "Do you know where the location is in the second piece?" she asked.

"The good news is, I do. I know that coast. Ranrok has taken over a huge mine and the surrounding area. Marunweem has suffered for it. It's as bad as Feldcroft's become." Sebastian stopped, carefully looking at Sabrina before bowing his head almost shamefully. "I shouldn't have reacted so bitterly about your goblin friend. I'm sorry... I do hope we can finish what we started with this."

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