Chapter Twenty-three : Rookwood Castle

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Two days later, Sabrina received another owl from Professor Fig asking her to meet him again in the Map Chamber. If you're feeling better, that is, he added at the end of the parchment.

And thankfully, Sabrina was feeling back to normal and had been now allowed to sleep in her own dorm room. Whatever illness she had contracted seemed like it finally made its way out of her system, and she was anxious to get back to normal.

Sabrina ran down the steps in the dungeons and opened the door to the Map Chamber. As she walked in, she could hear Professor Fig already speaking with the portrait of Professor Rackham.

"You would be wise not to underestimate this student," she heard Fig say. "Her aptitude for magic is beyond anything I've ever seen – and I've been teaching a long time."

The girl couldn't help but blush at his words. She was proud of the progress she had made with her magic, feeling stronger every day as she practiced and studied. And Fig was actually paying attention! That made her feel happy, capable, and wanting to continue to do more to make him proud of her.

"It is a joy to have such a student," Professor Rackham's voice echoed in the large room.

Professor Rookwood's portrait, however, just sighed. "It can be."

As Sabrina got closer, Professor Fig turned and saw her. "There you are!" he exclaimed. "Now, tell me all about your dream, and this meeting with the goblin."

Sabrina quickly went into detail about everything from her dream of being tortured (and omited from telling him about the scriptorium altogether), to her meeting with Lodgok and retrieving the helm. "You have been busy. It's no wonder you got ill. And you think this goblin can be trusted?" Fig asked.

"He seemed trustworthy," Sabrina replied, honestly. "It's difficult to know, really. I hope so. Sirona Ryan trusts him."

Fig nodded. "Well, that's something I suppose. And supposing he can be trusted, will he help us get to Ranrok?"

"He was hoping retrieving the help to Ranrok would regain his confidence."

"Let's hope your efforts result in our learning something about Ranrok's plans."

"Lodgok did mention that Ranrok is searching for something, but he didn't, or couldn't, say what it was."

"Ranrok is searching for something?" Professor Rookwood's portrait spoke, making Sabrina turn to face him. He sighed. "I feared as much. I've heard an unusual amount of activity, goblins and wizards, when visiting my portrait at my castle."

"Is that Rookwood Castle?" Sabrina asked. "I saw it in the distance in Feldcroft."

Professor Rookwood nodded. "My former residence, yes. That castle is also the location of your next trial."

To think I was so close to it, Sabrina thought. And I could have just gone and completed it!

A lump formed in Sabrina's stomach as she thought about the castle. "You didn't see anything? Or speak with anyone?" she asked.

"I did not. In fact, I did not make myself known. I only recently returned there and did not recognise, nor trust, anyone that I heard. I stayed out of sight so as not to tempt my portrait's destruction."

Sabrina and Fig exchanged an uneasy look. "Professor, I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but it seems your descendent, Victor Rookwood, is a Dark wizard in league with Ranrok."

The large portrait's face turned into one of shock. "My descendant is a Dark wizard?" He sat with that for a moment, his face then becoming stern. "I'm afraid we have no time to waste. Despite the obstacles that clearly await you, you must get to Rookwood Castle immediately! Not only is it the location of the next trial, it is home to a source of power that would be devastating in the wrong hands. I do not doubt your abilities. Find my portrait there as soon as you can."

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