Chapter Seven: What Are You Not Telling Me?

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Sabrina could do nothing but freeze. She was so terrified at the large armored troll running towards her that all thought left her, making it impossible to move as she watched as the large wooden club came down towards her.


Sabrina had braced for impact, but was shocked when she wasn't crushed to a pulp. She looked up and saw that Sebastian had blocked the impact and had knocked the troll back a few feet. Sebastian briefly glanced at her. "You have to move! Point your want and shoot, like you did in class! Don't think! Act on instinct!"

Somehow, he was able to knock her out of her frozen state, and Sabrina nodded before running to flank the troll. Sebastian was launching spells left and right, hearing him yell curse after curse, trying to take the troll down. Sabrina pointed her wand and used her basic cast, soon learning that the more effort and want she put behind it the more powerful the spell.

For a moment, Sabrina thought maybe they had the upper hand. The troll was beginning to falter and seemed to be taking longer to react. But just as soon as she thought that, she watched as the troll went running full speed towards Sebastian. He was able to dodge, but then tripped over debris from the houses and nearby stores. Sabrina watched him go down, and when he turned around he saw the large club come full swing towards his head.

Rage. Anger. Despair. Terror. Pain. Panic.

Suddenly, the tip of Sabrina's wand lit up in a brilliant white magic. That same electricity she felt with Josephine was now threatening to burst, but instead of bursting through her fingers she could actually feel the magic flow from her hand and into her wand.


Sabrina raised her wand, pointed it at the troll, and watched as the ancient magic engulfed him before he exploded in a cloud and disappeared.

The air hung thick for a moment, the silence deafening now. Some people had come out of hiding to check the damage. Sabrina suddenly remembered Sebastian, and ran to him to help him up. "Are you alright?" she asked as she extended a hand.

Sebastian, who had a look of surprise on his face, composed himself and took her hand to stand. "I think so," he said, breathlessly. Then his dark eyes turned to Sabrina. "How did you–"

"Goodness! A second troll?"

The two students stopped and watched as the officer from before ran up to them. "Are you alright? Did you really just take down a troll by yourselves?"

Sabrina could feel the adrenaline rush start to crash. "Yes, we are.'s all a bit of a blur to be honest," she responded.

The office sighed. "Well, I am glad to hear that. And with nerve like that, you have the makings of an Auror in you. For now, though, I would like you two to head to a safe place. Perhaps going to 'The Three Broomsticks' to calm down."

Sebastian nodded quickly before he grabbed Sabrina's arm gently and led her down one of the streets. Before she could say anything, he looked to her. "Are you sure you're okay? And what was that?"

"I'm fine," Sabrina answered honestly. She wasn't hurt or injured but she did feel like she was starting to shake a bit. She had just defeated a troll. She had consciously used her ancient magic ability and saved Hogsmeade and Sebastian. She could hardly believe it.

Then she saw it. A tall, dark top hat walking down one of the back alleys not that far from them. Most of the town were in the town square where the troll had been. This isn't good.

Sabrina stealthily followed the man, motioning for Sebastian to follow. They watched for a moment and saw the top hat belonged to a tall, middle aged man wearing a dark blue coat. He was standing with another middle aged man, this one rounded and less put together in his green vest, black trousers, and dark green bowler hat. Even from this distance, the two students could hear what was being said, and Sabrina felt a violent shiver run through her when she heard the dark, gruff voice she had been unsuccessful in getting out of her head.

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