Chapter Thirty-Four : Seen And Not Heard

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Sabrina made it back to the Map Chamber and quickly ran up to Fig and the Keepers. "The caverns below Hogwarts where you fought Isidora... that's where the final repository is, isn't it?"

"It is," Professor Rackham's portrait replied. "You see, we could not destroy the strands of emotion Isidora had stolen from so many. So we did all that we could to keep them safe. We also realized that until they could be destroyed, the magic used to create them was a danger to wizardkind. Hence, we became Keepers. Keepers of an unfathomable secret. We knew that, some day, one with the ability to see traces of ancient magic might be seduced by its power. We built the trials to lead that person to us. To allow them to prove themselves worthy of the knowledge we'd kept hidden and the responsibility that accompanies it."

"Have I not proven myself, Professor?" Sabrina asked, suddenly feeling a sense of panic. "I need to get to that repository before Ranrok does!"

Professor Rackham smiled. "You have. And you will. But the repository is protected by powerful ancient magic. To enter, you must craft a special wand from the four artifacts you found above our pensieves."

Sabrina listened, the feeling of dread not going away. "So... you're sure the repository is safe from Ranrok for now?"

"If he is, as you suspect, capable of using the power of the other repository, I fear he will be able to breach our defenses."

"You must go at once," Professor Fig spoke up. "I'll send an urgent message to Mr. Ollivander to let him know you're on your way."

"And once you have returned," Rackham continued. "We will open the way forward."

Sabrina nodded at them, and was about to turn away before she made herself stop. "If I may, Professor... may I ask a few questions regarding the last memory I saw?"

"Of course."

Her eyes shifted over to Professor Bakar's portrait staring down at her. "What happened to Isidora's son?"

The question caught Bakar off guard, but he quickly collected himself. "My wife and I adopted him into our family as one of our own. We wanted him to be raised in a safe place, away from the memory of his mother."

"And what of his father?"

"There was no father."

Bullshit, Sabrina thought, feeling her eyes harden at the Keeper. "And why kill her? Why couldn't you have just arrested her, jailed her? Killing seems to be a bit of an overreaction."

Bakar seemed uneasy at the questions being directed at him. "It was our only option," he said finally. "But, it is one I do not regret."

Sabrina wanted to stay and grill Bakar some more, but she knew she had to go and get to the repository quickly. She followed Fig out of the Map Chamber as he explained to her, "Whilst you visit Mr. Ollivander, I'll reach out to Professor Weasley. I may have made an error in judgment by not informing her of Ranrok's intentions earlier. I only hope it's not too late. If Ranrok really is going to try and drill below Hogwarts, we'll need all the help we can get."

"I'm surprised you were able to keep it all from her this long," Sabrina told him.

Fig frowned. "I should not have," he told her. "I thought it would have been better to keep it a secret, but I'm learning now that I need to learn to trust others more. I used to get told that all the time."

"Is that something Miriam used to say?" Sabrina asked him.

"No... that's something Minerva used to say."

Sabrina felt a bit warm as he said that.

"Now, go. Get to Ollivander's quickly. I'll meet you back here when you have the wand."

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