Chapter Fourteen : The First Trial

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"You're back."

"Professor Rackham!" Sabrina ran up to the large floor to ceiling painting, happy to see the man inside had returned. "We placed the book on the pedestal as you asked. And this is my mentor, Professor Fig."

Rackham nodded his head to Fig. "How do you do, Professor Fig?" He looked back at Sabrina. "And you, my young friend, see now why you needed to return the book."

"I do, as well as see why you call this room the 'Map Chamber'."

"That you have come this far tells me that you possess extraordinary magical ability." At Rackham's words, Sabrina felt a warmth in her chest again. "--the potential and power of which will unlock, should you prove yourself worthy. The location of each of four trials will, in time, appear on the map. Trials that will test you and give you access to invaluable knowledge. Trials that you must complete on your own. Do you recall the Pensieve memory you viewed in my vault?"

Sabrina nodded. "You and your friend spoke of the portkey and of trials you'd created for one who could see traces of ancient magic," she recalled. She could see that memory clearly as if it happened yesterday.

"Charles is another one of the Keepers," Rackham explained. "That is a designation we gave ourselves centuries ago in light of the knowledge that we have been bound to keep hidden. Until, perhaps, now. And the fact that you have come this far bodes well. The trials we will set you on were designed to ensure that the power and knowledge we have kept secret for so long does not fall into the wrong hands, and they will test your abilities both innate and learned. But most important, everything you witness as you complete each trial will inform what you choose to do with all that we share. You will need patience. The trails have much to teach you, and will take time."

"I'm afraid we don't have the luxury of time," Fig said, finally speaking up since the old professor began his lecture.

Rackham looked at him with an irritated look. "We have waited this long, Professor Fig. Surely a few more–"

"Respectfully, sir," Fig continued, clearing his throat. "While I do not know the secret you keep, I do know that Sabrina here has seen traces of a powerful Dark Magic being wielded by goblinkind. And we encountered an uncommonly powerful goblin wielding such magic as we prepared to leave your vault at Gringotts."

The painting's demeanor changed to a grim one. "This is grave news indeed." Sabrina felt the large eyes on her again. "Miss Pryor, do you trust Professor Fig?"

"Absolutely." Sabrina felt this conviction reach her very bones.

Rackham nodded. "Then, in light of your considerable skill and all you have already accomplished, we shall begin. Behind you, you will find the location of the first trial marked on the map below." Sabrina quickly turned and began looking for it. "Whilst Professor Fig may assist you in locating the trials, they may be completed only by one with our ability."

The location was found easily enough. The map showed a single spire tower, lit up in blue and white brightly before them. "I know that tower," Fig told her. "It's not far from here. It always seemed abandoned, but clearly the tower conceals more than meets the eye."

"I remember seeing it," Sabrina replied, vaguely remembering the spire out in the distance outside of Hogsmeade.

Fig smiled at her. "As your 'mentor', the least I can do is go ahead to make sure it is safe. Get some rest, and meet me outside the tower first thing tomorrow. Be careful, and do not tell anyone where you are going."

Sabrina could hardly eat or sleep that night. She was so anxious about the trial that by the time she did go to sleep, it was late and it didn't last very long. Deciding that sleep was not going to work, Sabrina got up, changed into a pair of trousers, a sweater, and her brown overcoat, and silently sneaked out of the common room and headed off the castle grounds.

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