Chapter Twenty-Eight : The Cloak, The Wand, and The Stone

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"I thought students weren't allowed to visit other common rooms?"

Poppy shrugged her shoulders as she led Sabrina and Natty in through the large wine barrel. "Technically, there's no rule about it," she explained. "Slytherins don't like people in their space unless they're invited, the Ravenclaws don't like others in their space at all, and Gryffindors are known to literally fist fight if anyone tries to get inside their common room. However, as long as you're accompanied by a Hufflepuff, everyone is welcome in here."

They entered the large common area, and Sabrina couldn't help but stare in awe.

The Hufflepuff Common Room was nothing like Slytherin. The light was a lot softer here, bouncing off warm yellow walls rather than cold, dark dungeons. Plants were hanging from a skylight above, and various bookshelves and floor plants decorated the walls and floor. There were also a lot more couches in here than what Slytherin had, and overall the entire vibe in this space seemed more welcoming. Sabrina felt like she had just walked into a cottage written from a storybook.

Natty and Poppy led her to the large couch in front of the main fireplace and sat her down. "Wait here," Poppy directed. "I'm going to get some tea and snacks. You need to warm up, Sabrina."

Sabrina frowned. "You know, I'm really not–"

Natty put her hand gently on hers. "It's best not to fight her," she smiled as Poppy ran off somewhere. "She's going to fuss until you do as she says."

Sabrina looked around some more, finally noticing that the room was deserted aside from them. "Is it really that late in the evening?"

"Afraid so. We were studying in the library walking back when we heard you."

Before Sabrina could say anything, Poppy was suddenly back with a tray filled with biscuits and cakes, and a large teapot was already filled with boiling water. "Here we are, I just grabbed a little bit of everything. I wasn't sure what you liked."

"Poppy!" Sabrina exclaimed. "Where did you get all of this?"

Poppy smiled as she poured a cup of tea. "Our common room is next to the kitchens," she explained. "So we always get plenty of treats from the house elves. It makes it really easy when you want a midnight snack."

Natty quickly grabbed a biscuit and started eating. Sabrina instead took the teacup and took a sip, feeling the warm liquid warm her insides. The cold air was releasing from her muscles, and she was feeling a lot better.

"Here." Poppy reached out and handed her a small damp washcloth. "For your face."

Sabrina took it, remembering then what had just transpired a few moments before. She put her cup down and immediately began wiping away her tears, trying hard not to think about crying.

Finally, Natty spoke. "Sabrina, what happened? I've never seen you so upset before."

The Slytherin girl sighed, putting the washcloth down. "It's a long story."

Poppy shrugged. "We're here all night."

Sabrina looked up at them and weighed her options. Fig was sure to be upset that she had told Sebastian and Ominis all of her secrets about her magic and the Keepers, but then again he wasn't liking her right now anyway so why did that fact matter? And Poppy and Natty had been so kind to her, so patient and understanding, it felt wrong that they had to be in the dark. They had proven to be wonderful friends, something that Sabrina definitely was not feeling about herself. "If I tell you, you have to keep it between us."

The two girls nodded, both eagerly awaiting her answer.

Sabrina took a shaky deep breath. I've already lost Fig and Sebastian. What do I have to lose?

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