*Extra* Kindred Bloopers

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A blooper reel for 'Kindred', like what we see after our favorite television shows or movies.



Two young girls stood in a large courtyard facing each other with their palms out. The shorter brunette girl reached forward to slam her hands against the other girls', but the redhead quickly dodged it. The brunette tried again, but this time she lost her balance and fell into her friends' arms while the two giggled and laughed.

They heard a few shouting from nearby and looked up. "That's our cue," the Irish girl said.

The brunette giggled. "Oh yeah, serious faces from now on. We're in a Catholic Church, so no fun allowed."

The comment made the girls giggle again as they heard the director yell out. "Are we ready?"


"And... action!"

"Is the new fifth year in here?" A high pitched girl called. "Professor Weasley is waiting for you outside the common room!"

Sabrina turned back to Ominis and Sebastian. "It was nice to meet you," she said.

"Oh don't worry," Sebastian smirked. "We'll be seeing you around penty."

Ominis' stoic look instantly broke, causing him to look away as he burst into giggles. Even Sabrina couldn't contain her own laughter as Sebastian just stared at them blankly.

"Plenty!" Sabrina finally explained. "'We'll be seeing you around plenty'."

"Don't mind him," Ominis said trying to compose himself again. "He's just extremely pent up and frustrated–"

"OI!" Sebastian exclaimed before the students were laughing again.


"But the best way to practice is by dueling. Master Sallow, why don't you and Miss Pryor go first?'

Sebastian turned and walked past Sabrina smirking. "Time for a proper Hogwarts welcome."

Not able to control herself, Sabrina gasped and tried to hide her blushing face.



"Ominis, look at this!"

Ominis leaned over and looked at the book Sebastian was holding before it dawned on him. "Oh, shit."

"What?" Sebastian asked, looking up. "Wait, did you actually–"



"Time for a proper Hogwarts welcome."

Sabrina still couldn't help but laugh.



"Time for a proper– STOP GRINNING!"

The entire class burst into laughter as Sabrina tried again to hide her face.


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