Chapter Eight : Friends

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"Hey, it's the new fifth year! That was so brave of you in Hogsmeade! Can you help me get this tentacula leaf?."

"Hey, new girl! Can you help me with this puzzle? I can't find out why the picture frame is empty."

"I can't find my gobstones, can you help me out? You're so brave and capable!"

"Hey, Pryor! Great job with that troll. Think you could spare a moment to help me out with getting my floating books back?"

The morning after the troll attack, Sabrina had gone from the popular new student to the infamous heroine of Hogsmeade. Everyone wanted to be her friend and ask her for favors, from helping to steal a fwooper feather from Professor Sharp's office to getting a huge plant leaf to make Duncan Hobhouse more popular than he ever deserved to be. Everywhere she went, she was getting bombarded with people asking more and more questions.

And she hated every second of it.

When Sabrina wasn't in class or getting bombarded with various tasks, she was meeting with Professor Fig trying to decipher the ancient magic, what it meant, and where the new map he discovered would lead to and if it pertained to their quest. Between that and homework, Sabrina was definitely feeling overwhelmed as the days went on.

The worst part was that Sebastian seemed like he was ignoring her. The shared classes they had together he was distant, and in the common room if he saw her coming by he would make an excuse and hurry off. So not only was Sabrina the most wanted girl in school, she was also feeling the most lonely. 

Not that Sabrina really blamed him. She had, after all, unleashed a powerful ancient magic against an adult troll to save Sebastian's life. Josephine had reacted the same way, but that didn't mean that Sabrina didn't feel any less hurt about it.

Finally, Saturday came to Hogwarts, and Sabrina was so thankful she didn't have any classes that day. She decided that, for a change of pace, she was going to head to the library and maybe get some studying done. She desperately needed some peace and quiet, and preferably a place where she could still see the sun instead of the darkness of the Slytherin Common Room.

The library was practically empty, which was saying something considering the size of the Hogwarts school library. It was filled top to floor with bookshelves and paintings, desks along every shelf for students to study, large stained glass windows, and a large study area in the center where most students sat doing their schoolwork. However, Sabrina was headed to the second floor, up the spiral staircases, and walked to one of the empty corners next to a window for a safe and quiet place.

However, when Sabrina turned the corner, she stopped. Two girls were already sitting at the desk working and talking, and they immediately froze when they saw her. "I'm sorry," Sabrina said quickly. "I'll just–"

"No, wait!" The first girl jumped up. "Please, don't leave! Would you like to study with us?"

Sabrina looked between the two girls. They were in her class, she knew for sure. The girl that stood up she recognized from her care of magical creatures class, but she was usually in her yellow Hufflepuff robes. Today, she was looking much more comfortable in her brown vest, tan bodice, and gray skirt, and her short brown bob wasn't as pulled back out of her face as it usually was. The second girl Sabrina knew from her charms class, and also as Professor Onai's daughter from divination. She also was out of her red Gryffindor robes and in a casual skirt and red and gray sweater, contrasting very nicely against her dark brown skin and black braided hair. They seemed genuine in wanting her to sit with them, so Sabrina hesitated but obliged and sat down.

"It is nice to officially meet you," the dark skinned girl smiled, her voice carrying a thick accent Sabrina couldn't place right away. "I am Natty, and this is Poppy."

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