Chapter Twenty-Seven: Forsaken

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Sabrina walked back into Hogwarts in a daze. Her conversation with Lodgok still hung heavy on her mind, his words and emotions still bothering her as she realized just how wrong she was.

Wrong in the sense that she never really treated the goblins as equals. She was nice to Lodgok, but that was because he never gave her a reason not to be. The Loyalists, on the other hand, had attacked her and followed Ranrok's orders to hurt her. But somehow, seeing how upset Lodgok was about Miriam made her understand that goblins and wizards really were not all that different. They still felt emotions the same way, loved the same way. The goblins were just following orders based on blind trust.

Ranrok was the bad guy, not the entire goblin community.

And Miriam.... Miriam had died in pursuit of knowledge of this magic. And perhaps, so did Minerva.

As Sabrina approached Fig's office door, she stopped right before she went to knock. How in Merlin's name was she going to even bring this up? How would Fig react to such questions about Miriam's sister? What would he think of her far-fetched theory and suspicion? He had heard Rookwood tell Sabrina about her mother, but he hadn't said anything further about it since they got back. Would he even listen?

Taking a deep breath, Sabrina knocked on the large wooden door. A moment later, Professor Fig opened it. "Sabrina," he smiled. "I wondered when you would stop by to visit. It's been a while."

Sabrina walked inside, her nerves starting to come out through her hands. "Professor... there's something I have to tell you."

Fig closed the door again, his face falling into a more serious tone. "I'm listening."

"I met with Lodgok again."

"The goblin from Hogsmeade?"

"He asked me to meet him outside of a goblin mine south of here. I had to sneak in, but we were able to learn Ranrok's plan. The goblins are searching for another repository, like the one we saw at Rookwood Castle. And we discovered that they're building massive drills to help in their search." Sabrina's words came out in a rush, feeling like she was unable to keep it inside anymore.

Fig took it all in, his eyes widening in shock. "Ranrok clearly knows even more than we suspected," he said.

"And, sir, there's something else...." Sabrina took a deep breath. "Lodgok knew Miriam."

This seemed to really surprise Fig. "He knew Miriam?"

Sabrina further explained, "They encountered each other at Rookwood Castle. She was doing research. That's where she found the container with the portkey. He liked her so much that he let her leave with it despite orders from Ranrok."

The old man listened, his face becoming softer as he let her explain. "I don't know what to say," he said finally, a hint of a smile crossing his features. "She could win over almost anyone. I'd like to speak to Lodgok directly about this one day."

The next part was still stuck on Sabrina's tongue, but as hard as she tried, it didn't seem to want to come out. Should I even say anything? What if I'm wrong?

"There's something else you want to ask."

Sabrina lifted her eyes to meet Fig's. He seemed curious and concerned, and she felt like she had to finally say it. "He also said that Miriam told him she was researching ancient magic with her sister."

"With... Minerva?" Fig's brows furrowed as he thought about that. "I... I have no recollection of them helping each other with this."

"Rookwood told me my mother's last name was Reese. When he said it, a memory appeared in my head of her telling me my real last name."

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