Chapter Twenty-Nine : Merry Christmas

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The city was quiet. Granted, London had never really been a loud city, but even certain nighttime noises like carriages and bells held their unique patterns and schedules. However, the fresh layer of snow falling on the ground and the fact that it was Christmas Eve helped silence the otherwise loud night.

The orphanage was no exception. Midnight Mass had just ended, and all the children at St. Joseph's were now asleep and tucked away in their straw mattresses and blankets, probably dreaming of what the next day would bring and if the graces of God were really real or if Santa would, in fact, come to visit their poor, run down building.

The nuns were doing their last patrol of the night, and as soon as the heavy footsteps of Sister Mary sounded far away, eleven year-old Sabrina Pryor was already out of bed and tiptoeing to the door, opening it silently as she looked to make sure the coast was clear. When she saw the nun was gone, she turned behind her and hissed, "Come on, Josephine! We have to go now!"

A second later, the freckled face of Josephine was next to her. "I'm not sure about this," she whispered.

"What are you talking about? This was your idea!"

"And now I take it back!"

"Too late!"

"No, I really – no, Sabrina!"

Sabrina snuck out of the door, stealthily walking along the walls down the hallway and avoiding the creaky wooden boards as she focused on her target. She was very thankful in that moment that her socks gave that extra layer of quiet, allowing her ears to stay wide open, listening for any movement or voices that could signal someone coming towards them.

Sabrina looked back and saw Josephine had decided to follow her after all. She let out a silent sigh of relief. Sabrina knew she could probably do this on her own and be more efficient, but she was still glad to have a friend with her.

After carefully avoiding the creaky steps, the girls finally reached the bottom of the stairs and stopped, listening for anything before they continued on. Sabrina looked to the left, seeing the kitchens within her grasp! She turned to Josephine. "I'll go in," she whispered as quietly as she could. "You keep watch. The biscuits were right by the hearth when I left for mass, so unless they've been moved I'll be in and out in less than a minute."

Josephine grabbed her friends' arm. "If you get caught–"

"I won't get caught," Sabrina assured her.

Josephine grasped tighter. "If you get caught, I'm not letting you take the blame entirely."

Sabrina rolled her eyes. "You really want a beating on Christmas Day? Everything will be fine. If you see Sister Mary, whistle. I'll sneak out the back door, you go back upstairs, and I'll make my way up when it's all clear."

Josephine looked at kitchen doors, then back at Sabrina before she nodded. "Alright."

Sabrina smiled, then released her arm from her friend and darted quietly towards the kitchen door. She stopped and listened in, checking to see if anyone was moving inside. When she was sure it was empty, she opened the wooden door and dashed inside before silently closing the door behind her.

The kitchen was indeed empty, the only light coming in from the fireplace coals that had gone out hours ago. The work tables were filled with various biscuits and breads to take to the local shelters and homeless for Christmas, as was the tradition in the orphanage every year to pass around. However, none of the children who actually worked hard on these would get a taste. They instead would get leftover breads and small bites of ham, and possibly candy if anyone in the city actually decided to take pity.

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