Chapter Ten: The Library

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They decided that they would head to the library that very night. Sabrina had a feeling deep down that she probably shouldn't be doing this, but she would always remind herself that she was doing this because she needed to know more about her magic and it was worth the risk.

This wasn't just to prove to Fig she was capable anymore.

Sebastian and Sabrina left the Slytherin Common Room at a bit past eleven that night. They sneaked in shadows, avoiding prefects as they went until they came to the balcony above the library. Four prefects were stationed in front of the two doors leading inside, diligently on the lookout for underage prowlers and troublemakers.

"We just have to get inside," Sebastian whispered to her. "And those annoying prefects would love nothing more than to rat on us to Scribner, so we cannot let them see us."

It honestly didn't look to be that difficult. Sabrina had snuck past harder situations, remembering for a moment when she once snuck into the kitchens late at night at the orphanage to steal a fresh loaf of bread right under the nuns' noses. "I can be sneaky," she assured Sebastian. "Let's go."

"Hold on now," Sebastian stopped her, a hint of excitement and teasing in his voice when he turned back to her. "Don't get overexcited. There's a spell you should know first – The Disillusionment spell – perfect for sneaking into places you're not supposed to be. When you cast it, you appear nothing more than a trick of the light as long as you keep your distance and keep quiet."

"You mean I'll be able to turn invisible?" Sabrina felt her heart start to pound anxiously.

"Something like that. It's not as foolproof as a cloak, but those are expensive. And spells are free."

"Wait, they make invisibility cloaks?"

Sebastian chuckled in amusement. "C'mon, muggle, let's get going."

The older Slytherin taught her how to cast disillusionment, and Sabrina was amazed when she looked down and could see straight through herself. Sebastian was right, however, as she could still see a slight glimmer if she moved in the light the right way. Quickly, the two students snuck up to the large mermaid statue in the middle of the Central Hall, and waited until the right moment when two prefects had their backs turned before rushing through the door to the library.

As soon as they were inside though, Sabrina heard Sebastian in front of her swear. "Blast, the librarian's still here. Go over to the bookcase."

Sabrina followed his instructions and rushed behind one of the main bookcases by the doors. When they were safe, they revealed themselves to each other. Sebastian cursed again, running a nervous hand through his curly hair. "You told me she would be gone by now," Sabrina hissed, not hiding her frustration and sudden fear that she would be caught. Mrs. Scribner was a scary old lady, hardly leaving her bright ornate desk unless it was to yell at loud students, and Sabrina wasn't looking forward to potentially getting on her bad side already.

"I said 'usually'!" Sebastian hissed back quietly. "But it'll still be alright, we can still get in. We just have to get the key from her desk. It's in the top drawer. Now, here's what we're going to do. I'll create a distraction to lure her away, while you focus on getting the key. I'll meet you outside of the Restricted Section on the other side of the library."

Sabrina looked past Sebastian to see Mrs. Scribner at her desk. "Why do we need a key? Isn't there magic for that?"

"There is, and that's how I would usually get in. But Mrs. Scribner caught on and put a charm on the lock, so alohamora doesn't work anymore." Sebastian turned away from his watch on Scribner and saw how uneasy Sabrina seemed to be. "Hey, it'll work. I said I would get you into the Restricted Section, and I always keep my word. Trust me."

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