Chapter Fifteen : Friendships and Goblins

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A/N: TW Mentions of physical abuse


"Okay, so tell us again what you saw."

Sabrina lifted her head off the headrest of the chair in the Undercroft, still exhausted from the day before on top of having to attend her normal classes. "I've already told you," she told Sebastian and Ominis who had joined her and proceeded to ask a million questions. "The memory started with Isidora transfiguring pillars, then she had a conversation about using her magic to remove her fathers' pain, and Rackham dismissing her idea before she got upset and left."

"And she said nothing about how to remove the pain?" Sebastian had been pacing as he took it in, hanging onto every word.

Ominis was sitting on the couch next to Sabrina and sighed. "Believe me, if she had found a way to do it I'm sure there would be records of it," he said. "Something like that I doubt she would have kept to herself."

Sabrina looked at the boys. "Have you found anything?"

"Not really," Ominis answered. "But I'm still looking through the school records. Sebastian spent the weekend looking for a cure for Anne."

"And found nothing," Sebastian added bitterly. He finally came over and joined the two by the fire. "I had wanted to take Ominis to the Three Broomsticks for his birthday and to take a break, but the poor sod kept refusing me."

"My birth is not one to celebrate, I've already told you."

"You turning sixteen is a big deal, Ominis!"

"Perhaps for you, but for me it's just another day."

Sabrina suddenly felt bad as she looked at the blonde boy next to her. "I'm sorry, I didn't know it was your birthday. I would have gotten you something."

Ominis sighed. "Don't trouble yourself," he told her. "Really. Besides, after your encounter with Rookwood in Hogsmeade I wouldn't say I'm very eager to make a trip myself."

She felt like a bolt of lightning struck her and Sabrina sat up suddenly. "Rookwood!" she cried. "Oh God, the professor from the pensieve, Professor Charles Rookwood, I bet you he's related to Victor!" Now it was her turn to pace as she worked it out. "And if Ranrok is searching for something the Keepers have, that would explain why he's working with Victor Rookwood! Because Victor knows what it is and how to get it!"

Sebastian lifted his head up to look at her. "The night Anne was cursed, the goblins looked like they were digging for something!"

"That's it!" Sabrina bounced. "And something to do with names.... If San Bakar had a tower around here, I bet the other Keepers had castles around here too!"

"I bet you're right! Rookwood Castle is just outside of Feldcroft!"

"But what are they looking for?" Ominis asked, interrupting them.

The two others stopped. "You're right," Sabrina replied. "They're looking for something... but what?"

Sebastian thought for a moment. "Perhaps it's something only you can see with your magic."

"No, that can't be because then Ranrok wouldn't have been able to find it."

"We don't know if he has found it."

This was true. But he was looking for it. Sabrina had to be two steps ahead of the goblin if she was going to reach what he was after before he did. But how? Sabrina had no way of knowing what Ranrok knew, and even if she went and attacked and raided every goblin camp in the valley she doubted she would get very far. Plus, that would take too much time. She needed someone on the inside, someone who knew goblins better than she did.

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