Chapter Thirty-Two : O Children

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Sabrina's mind was racing the entire trip to Feldcroft, her heart beating wildly as she tried to figure out what it was Sebastian was doing.

Reckless Sebastian! she thought again and again. Acts without thinking again! "What is he thinking?" Sabrina asked aloud when they reached the Feldcroft floo stop.

"He's not!" Ominis responded. "He's just getting desperate."

"Did he say anything about what this 'dark sacrifice' is?"

"No, but I have an idea on what it might be."

Sabrina stopped and looked at Ominis. "What?"

Ominis had also stopped and was anxiously rubbing his hands together, his body rocking like he wanted to start pacing. His face was greatly disturbed, his mind also racing as he tried to put all of his thoughts together. "From what I know, normally when they mean a 'dark sacrifice' it means the loss of some sort of life.You have to give up something precious in order to gain what you desire."

Sabrina was afraid to ask. "But... who would he sacrifice?"

"Isn't it obvious? Himself."

"Himself? Ominis, you don't think–"

"We have to go, Sabrina!" Ominis grabbed her hand. "We'll theorize later, right now we have to stop him!"

They began running again towards the catacombs. Sabrina's body still hurt from her morning excursion, but she had to force herself to focus on now instead of thinking of Lodgok.

The door to the catacombs was already opening, telling them that Sebastian was already inside. As they approached, a figure came running out, out of breath and panicking.

"Anne!" Sabrina called, running to the girl and catching her before she collapsed. Anne was panting and doubled over in pain, feeling so frail under Sabrina's hands. "Anne, what happened? Are you alright?"

"Sebastian.... He's inside," she replied, finally standing up. "He has this relic he says can help me, but it's summoned Inferi! He's put the entire hamlet in danger on the chance this could cure me! And he keeps talking about this sacrifice he has to make. Ominis, he's scaring me!"

Ominis rushed over to her, and Anne left Sabrina's grip for Ominis' as she began to cry. "Anne, it's alright. We're here now," Ominis said.

Anne froze, her eyes widening as a thought came to her. "Solomon.... Solomon doesn't know where I am. He doesn't know Sebastian's here! It won't take him long to find us, if he finds Sebastian–"

"We'll go find him."

"Ominis, he threatened to tell the headmaster if he caught Sebastian using dark magic! He'll be expelled! He could be arrested!"

Sabrina's entire chest felt tight, making it hard to take any sort of breath. If Solomon found out about this, not only could Sebastian be expelled, he could be turned in to the Ministry. And what would happen to him then? No, we can't lose him. I can't lose him too!


She looked back over at Ominis, who's face had turned towards her. "Are you okay to go get Sebastian? I have to help Anne stop Solomon from telling Black or the authorities."

Anne let go of Ominis and grabbed Sabrina's hands. "Please! I... I can't lose him! He's all I have left."

Sabrina felt her resolve finally harden. For Anne. "I'll find him," she said, squeezing Anne's hands.

Anne sobbed as Ominis grabbed her arm gently. "We must hurry. And Sabrina... please be careful. I don't want to lose you too."

His words cut into her, further strengthening her determination. "Go stop Solomon."

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