Chapter Twenty : Anne

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Somehow, Sabrina felt more nervous about this trip to Feldcroft than she had the first time.

She silently got dressed and met the boys in the Great Hall like she had three weeks two weeks prior. Sebastian seemed anxious and kept dropping his fork. Ominis silently drank his tea and didn't offer much to say. If anything, the quiet morning worried Sabrina more.

Together, they walked to the Floo Powder spot and Sebastian again offered his arm to Sabrina. She took it and then looked at Ominis. "Ominis, would you like to hold my arm as we go?"

Ominis frowned, but hesitantly took her arm.

It helped Sabrina's nerves that Ominis was coming along, and she thought it was probably helping Sebastian's as well. As soon as the Floo Powder landed them in Feldcroft, Ominis released Sabrina immediately and pulled out his wand. Sebastian was rushing ahead in anticipation and determination. Still, no one said a word.

When they got to the house, Solomon was walking towards them from the other direction. His temper seemed to already be running this morning. "Didn't I tell you boy—"

"I want to see my sister," Sebastian demanded. "I was denied that last time. Besides, you won't turn away Ominis, will you?"

Solomon looked between Sebastian and Ominis, debating in his mind what to do before he sighed angrily. "Fine. But if you upset Anne once, you're both gone."

Sebastian led the way, brushing harshly against his uncle before walking through the front door.

Anne was sitting back at the table, turning as the front door opened. She immediately jumped up and hugged Sebastian as they approached her. "I missed you!" she smiled sadly. "I'm so sorry we didn't get to see each other the last time."

Sebastian grabbed her hands and smiled. "It's alright," he said. "We're here now."

Anne's eyes moved from her brother to Ominis. "Oh, Omi," she said softly. She took Ominis' hand without hesitation and brought it to her face to rest against her cheek.

This move surprised Sabrina. Ominis hated physical touch of any kind, always politely and quickly moving away from her if she accidentally touched his hand or his arm. Even with Sebastian, Ominis always looked very uncomfortable when his friend put his arm around him or touched his back. Yet this move had seemed as natural as breathing for the pair, with Anne leaning into his touch and Ominis' fingers tracing her face as if they did this every day.

Ominis frowned, his brow furrowing as he observed Anne. "You've gotten frail," he said softly, almost in surprise. "Your face is more sunken. Are you eating?"

Anne chuckled. "Yes, I am. And what about you? Your circles under the eyes are dark. Are you sleeping?"

"As well as I normally am," responded Ominis. His hand lingered for another moment, tracing Anne's features, before he removed it and placed it back to his side. "It is good to see you, Anne." 

Then, Anne turned her eyes to Sabrina. She smiled gently at her. "We didn't get to properly meet the last time you were here. You must be Sabrina. Sebastian has told me about you in his letters. I'm sorry about what happened, those bouts of pain are difficult to bear."

"It's alright," Sabrina told her. "I didn't mean to intrude. Are you alright?"

"Oh no, you didn't intrude at all," Anne assured her as they all sat down at the table next to the fireplace. "And I'm alright. The pain from this curse comes in bouts, and often suddenly." Her eyes went to Sebastian. "It's not anyone's fault."

Sebastian looked back at her, his eyes sad.

Anne looked towards Ominis next, smiling. "Were you able to tease any first years about mermaids in the lake?"

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