Chapter Four : Her First Day

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Sabrina couldn't believe how well she slept that first night. After her eventful journey to Hogwarts, she ate the most wonderful meal she had ever seen, and met some of her new classmates as they asked her a lot of curious questions. She was still wide awake when she was directed to her common room, which was in the dungeon area of the castle. However the room itself, even as it sat under the lake, was warm and cozy, with fireplaces and oil lamps heating every inch of the common area. Her bedroom was one of the many stone bedrooms, with carpets and tapestries to help decorate it, along with so many emerald and snake themed banners and ornaments, but the enchanted fireplace and the soft feather pillows were Sabrina's downfall. She had never slept in a place so warm or inviting.

She went to sleep that night feeling like the richest girl in the world.

The next morning, Sabrina awoke half expecting it all to be a wonderful fantastical dream. However, when she opened her eyes and saw the same emerald green four poster bed that she had passed out in the night before, it dawned on her that this wasn't a dream. This was real. Sabrina was no longer at the orphanage sleeping on straw and bedbugs. She was at Hogwarts. And she couldn't wait to get started.

When Sabrina got up, she saw that the other beds were already empty. She shared a room with two other fifth year girls, but the room was so large she hardly noticed. Sabrina did however notice a new brown trunk by the foot of her bed hood engraved with her initials. She opened the trunk and found five black skirts, five white collared shirts, a few pairs of stockings, three emerald vests, and an emerald and silver striped tie. Excitedly, she got dressed in her new clothes, her hands trembling as she buttoned her vest and slid on her stockings. She then looked at herself in the mirror, brushed out her dark brown hair into her normal bun hairstyle, and smiled at the sight in front of her.

She even looked like the richest girl in the world.

Sabrina put away her pajamas, slid on her shoes and her silk black robe, made sure her borrowed wand was tucked neatly inside her pocket, and left the bedroom to head down into the common area. She vaguely remembered getting there last night, so she didn't mind taking her time to go down the metal stairway as she looked at all the gothic and stone decorations around her. Then Sabrina reached the common room and saw that many students were already awake and moving around before class started.

"Look, it's that new fifth year," Sabrina heard a student nearby say.

Another one scoffed. "She's the one who came last night, right? She had to make an entrance instead of showing up with everyone else, didn't she?"

"Probably thinks she's so high and mighty too," the first girl said. "Not just anyone gets to come to Hogwarts late. I wonder if they thought she was a Squib."

"Makes sense then, since she couldn't find the castle last night!"

Sabrina felt like she had just been dumped on by an ice bucket. Suddenly, she wasn't feeling very welcome anymore.

"The least you could do is be quiet about your arrogance."

Sabrina looked up at the new voice, finding it belonging to the blonde boy she saw last night who didn't make eye contact with her. He was standing a few feet away and had his head directed towards the two girls nearby. Upon seeing him, the two girls quickly shut their mouths and wandered away without so much as offering another glance at the new student.

"I'm sorry about them," the boy said again as he walked closer to her. "I remember my first day as well. I had a lot of people talking about me too."

It was then that Sabrina noticed why he wasn't making eye contact. His eyes were completely clouded over with a light blue fog, completely mesmerizing Sabrina the longer she looked. She tried to find her voice. "Th-thank you," she said. "You didn't have to do that."

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