Chapter Sixteen : Feldcroft

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Before Sabrina could believe it, six weeks had already passed since she first stepped foot in Hogwarts. The air had started to chill, and Halloween pumpkins started to show up all over the grounds which only added to the excitement buzzing around the castle. Sabrina had been told that Halloween at Hogwarts was very magical and everyone looked forward to the feast. Holidays were still a new concept to the girl, but one she was very much open to exploring and sharing with everyone.

On a morning when the air was particularly chilly, Sebastian announced at breakfast that he had made a decision to head to Feldcroft that following Saturday. "Anne will be so happy to see us," he beamed. "She misses us like crazy. She wrote that in her last letter."

Ominis nodded in agreement. "That does sound like a wonderful idea. It would give us a chance to really get away for the day."

Sebastian looked at Sabrina. "You're coming too, aren't you?"

"I promised you I would," Sabrina replied. "Where is Feldcroft?"

"It's a little hamlet south of here, by the ocean. You'll love it, it's utterly gorgeous there."

When Saturday came, Sabrina woke up nervous and feeling a sense of anxiety filling her stomach. She was actually going with Sebastian and Ominis out on a day trip. And she was going to meet Sebastian's family. What should she expect? Would they like her? Would they judge her? Would his sister even be open to visitors if she's so ill, or would she be upset by an unexpected visitor? It took much too long for Sabrina to get dressed, but decided finally on a pair of dark trousers and her favorite green sweater before she grabbed her coat to meet the boys in the Great Hall.

When Sabrina walked in, she saw that both Ominis and Sebastian were wearing similar attire to her. However, Sebastian stared particularly longer as she sat down. "What?" Sabrina finally asked, not able to take his intense gaze after a minute.

"Nothing," he said, shaking his head. "But you let your hair down. I never noticed how long it was."

Sabrina had been so nervous about her clothes that she had forgotten to put her hair in her normal bun. "Oh, I'm sorry I–"

"No, don't be. It looks good. Suits you, even." Sebastian smirked. "That green sweater looks nice too."

At that mention, Ominis stopped eating for a fraction of a second, but it happened so quick that Sabrina was sure she had imagined it. Especially when her attention was suddenly drawn to an upperclassman Slytherin who had strutted right up to Ominis without even so much as looking at the other two students.


Ominis had been drinking his tea, but promptly put it down with a sigh. "Sister."

Sabrina was so surprised she stopped eating entirely. The older girl she recognized as one of the seventh years who liked to hang out in the common room and taunt the younger students. She had the same color blonde hair as Ominis, her eyes were an icy blue that Sabrina was sure Ominis probably would have shared if they weren't clouded, but her features were a lot sharper than Ominis' round and soft edges. Her face showed an uneasy smirk on it, and based on what little she had heard about the Gaunts, Sabrina had a feeling she wasn't anywhere near as pleasant as her younger brother.

"I heard you're heading out of the castle today," the girl said, addressing only Ominis, her voice as sharp and cold as her face. "Are you sure that's so wise? Whatever will Father say when he hears you went out with a halfbred eyesore?"

"Don't worry, Verena," Ominis retorted. "I'm not taking you with me, so I hardly doubt the word 'halfbreed' will be used when the topic eventually comes up."

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