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Alright! So the snow maker machines have retired and the grounds started to return to what they normally would look like when it’s going February in our country.

Atmosphere is cool under the sun and the trees, plants and even the garden gnomes (not the guards) are rejuvenated, fresh-looking, not the ones with dusty-lonely-creepy-dirty looks with murderous stares.

And suddenly, I realized I’m late again. Late for Logic by Mrs. Samartia.

So you see, we’re down to our last two months in the General Engineering days but the lessons are just getting their adrenaline boosters.

The always nerve-racking over-speedy and slippery-when-wet road to Integral Calculus always caught me off balance. I passed the preliminaries but after that you know, I got detour here and there, got mixed emotions during exams and poof! I received my paper so white and clean and now Mr. Borsel can have it back. Status: nothing but weird solutions of finding areas under the curves and all those weird elliptical shapes and I remember one forming like a heart shape. What is it called again? Right, the Cardiod which is nothing but a cardiac arrest to me every quiz, exam and recitation. Sighs.

Of course, Physics 2. Well, work hard and earn gold. I’ve put myself under so much stress and strain, pressure here and there, Archimede’s Principle, Buoyant force and weird cylinders connected by tubes and measuring the absolute, atmospheric and barometric pressures. Oh well, when there’s pressure then there’s stress and somewhere over there, you get strained. Oh right, so far so good. I’m up to a good start for Introduction to Electricity this month.

 Logic. What do you get when you combined my never logical mind and constant tardiness in this class? You get Z-ratings. Oh dear... I might probably the one in Mrs. Samartia’s story, do I have to bring my parents and beg for my grades here? Shoot! It does gonna be first time in my life’s history.

Technical writing is just so easy with Clarice, Nicolei, Kristi and Renzarl. I feel like not exerting effort at all. And Mrs. Dela Gaudiar seems to put Clarice and Nicolei (let’s include Jaray also) at the pedestal when it comes to writing and there goes also my luck! Anyways, i just can’t explain her constant temper to Roxy. Mrs. Dela Gaudiar is either impatient to her, mad at her, intimidated, sorry... I just see myself in her when I’m faced with Mr. Dojafar. You know, Odin.

Well, the ever religious moments with Ms. Sacanova and the going greener and greener classes with Mr. Quinoax and his raped cases are constants.

I just wanted to note a remarkable, awesome, interesting, magnificent, extraordinary but weird and awkward lovelife of Jaray. Well, if you happen to remember that Ms. Sacanova seem to fancy our little hero here. LOLS.

So, to continue... Before Ms. Sacanova left the room, she does her daily routine. Fix her so many files, her drinking bottle, her visual aids and call Jaray to help her bring her things; sometimes she asks Odin, Lan and Falson but it’s always been Jaray, we know. Haha.

This afternoon, she called Jaray and not only that she said, “After your class, if you have time... kindly see me in the faculty room.” With a full boom smile.

And the always naive Jaray, naive or deaf from our reactions, just nodded his head. Ohh... I smell someone spending quality time with ah-uhmmm... whatever.

Speaking of Odin, he doesn’t seem to bother me after that incident in the Lair. Well, his news of going to Fatals is not actually news to me. But somehow, I’m sensing Mrs. Samartia is starting to lose temper on both of us.

E-management has left Odin and I totally. My classmates are out forming this humanoid figure of their elements and us? Odin and I, were having one-on-one stick lessons with Mrs. Samartia inside the classroom. Geez. Just imagine your prof staring at all your actions, your errors, mistakes, miscalculations, clumsiness and haggardness. Wew. But I’m glad; Odin is not getting any progress like me. Haha.

The Elementals II: Knit of FateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon