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The mini canteen in our building is as usual packed with so many students; each stall is piled with students. As to my surprise, I was expecting that we are going to spend our snack standing with these so many students around but it so happens that as the number of students increase, seats came popping from sides so as the space enchantingly gets bigger unnoticed. But the size of the canteen stays the same outside. Wow! This is the E-world....

We took seats from what looks like the north wing already of the canteen. We were discussing what we are going to eat when two grown up man in shining pure white robes went beside me.

At first, I was to do the karate position like monkey! Engle! Tiger! Snake... but like what I’ve said, I was perfectly normal, so I asked, “Yes Sir? If this is your table already we’re sorry and we will be willing to-”

“Mr. Castor,” a very deep voice this man has, “We’re from the Intelligence Division of this institution, and we would like to have a word with you right now.” Since when did they change their black outfits which is Michael Jackson inspired to white?

Not again??? I have missed so many get together moments with my classmates and a number of classes last year because of attending to meetings with administrators, reporting to this, reporting to that and hell! It’s starting again... Bu you know, like what a perfectly normal being should do, I nodded.

As I stood up and lift my things, I looked at Jaray who gave me a tell-me-everything -when-you-got-back look.

And so we left. I followed closely or I may lose them in the wave of students along the corridors...

When the students around are reduced, I asked, “If I may ask Sir, where are you bringing me?” Well, Elly isn’t it too obvious???

“To the Intelligence Division building of course.”

“Oh ok. Then why? I mean, why do I have to be questioned again?”

There was a long paused between us before one of them answered, “We were just asked to bring you and I’m afraid we weren’t given any information why.”

So they don’t know? What if the Intel Division was about to kill me then I wouldn’t know? Is asking questions forbidden here? Well, I guess not. I’m used to question everything.

So we reached this very white modern-urban style building. Large pillars greeted me outside followed by a great hall inside. So many busy men in white robes are rushing here and there. And the usual defence system of this school is right at the middle of the hall – a big transparent multicoloured bubble which happen to be a circular replica of the school.

They left me sitting beside a great door at the second floor. I sat there observing the place and counting all the men in white around. I was on number 37 when somebody called me to enter.

The usual things inside, the seven meter long table with only two chairs around it placed at the opposite far ends of the table. On the other side, the man (he should be a man) with drooling eye bags and facial skin is sitting.

“Good Afternoon Sir.” I greeted as he gestured me to sit down.

“Mr. Castor.” The usual clear man’s voice which kinda not fit his appearance said, “You’re might be wondering why we called you here.”

“Oh yes Sir. I am and I happen to-” By the way it’s always like this here, when he ask something, it’s automatic, you’ll say what you know. I hypothesized last year that this man has some kind of tell-me-the-truth ability.

“It is because of the incident last summer.” He interrupted me. “The incident which almost reduced the Haven’s lair to nothing, you mentioned to us your dreams that there is someone who has infiltrated our defence other than the D5 member. Have you figured out who this person is?”

The Elementals II: Knit of FateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon