I love you

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Oh, Hi. Ahmmm... Look, I don’t know how to say this but-but this is Jaray writing.

                Hey! Don’t get me wrong, Elly didn’t die nor did I steal this wicked weird journal of his’. It’s just that, he-he’s really confused about the things running inside his mind after that day. Knowing your mom is her, your parents bringing their true son with you at home and probably the last thing that’s been added is Mr. Castor’s- No, my dad’s order of keeping us out of Sir George for good. Calling him dad will need some time of getting used to it.

                Oh hey! Elly didn’t go crazy! I’m sorry, I’m not just used to writing stuffs but I do write some poems, stories and- wait, I’m not the topic here, sorry.

                Look, I think it’ll just be better if I recount what happened after Elly’s last entry.

                The guards found the four us there and they took us, four, to the main infirmary. They tended us, treated us of our injuries and made us strong but Elly’s just silent. I tried joking around and I even tried pissing him off but it’s as if he’s under a deep trance. His mind is somewhere out there but I knew he’s listening. He’s turning his head yet emotionless. Creepy, if you might say.

                His father, our father, left and when he came back, he asked us to pack our things and we’re leaving. I don’t know what he meant for that ‘leaving’ issue but you know, I’m not that hardcore son to disobey orders especially when you and your parents have not yet been formally and thouroughly introduced.

                We packed our things and we said goodbyes to our friends. It’s almost the end of the semester anyway so it’s alright to leave and besides after that incident, the institution became less strict about students leaving the grounds.

                Elly’s speaking that time, smiling though I knew inside myself; he’s not the same Elly I’ve known. I don’t know why. He seemed bothered. And before we left, Roxy with Clarice and Nic told me to watch Elly. They too felt something odd in him.

                We left but there’s this one puzzling stare that Elly gave me. He stared like weird; I myself can’t even think or describe it. It’s like a mixture of asking-for-help and why-are-you-coming expression. But I didn’t care that time. I have no idea of his plans.

                When we came home, which isn’t really a big-big house, his parents, argh no, our parents, started entertaining me, trying to make me as much as possible at home and part of the family. Odd. It’s been a while since I really had guardians and now parents around.

                It’s not that they’ve forgotten about Elly but they seem to put more attention to me than him and I didn’t like that. I can feel Elly’s starting to get envious, the same eye expressions and stares accurred more often. I tried to talk him out of it before we sleep but he doesn’t want to talk about it.

                He talks, he responds but not in the former Elly style. I know you know Elly. Jolly, childish, insecure yet pure Elly. He’s different. Really different.

                Sometimes I can see him talking to himself, sometimes just disappearing like suddenly he has awakened this silent warping thing inside of him and sometimes I feel he isn’t around though I see him. Weird. Really weird. Sometimes he sits on a chair and went still silent for a long time, like he’s been possessed by a demon or what. Sometimes, I just don’t want to be with him.

                And then that night came, we were awakened by a full forced typhoon hitting the house though there’s been no forecast. The lights went off and all the windows were forced open. The wild winds trampled the things inside the house and I myself felt unsafe surrounded by wind. But Elly just walk right passed of the angry storm which invaded our house, like he likes it and it likes him.

                He walked downstairs and his dad called out but the wind doesn’t want anyone near him. The front door burst open and came Bloodwind.

                Mr. and Mrs. Castor begged their son to come back but Elly just shook his head and said, “You have your son now let me have my family. I love you and I will not forget you.”

                And the wind died as both of Bloodwind and Elly left. 

The Elementals II: Knit of FateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon