You're playing on us?

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Warmth greeted us as we entered our room, the fireplace carefully tends itself and everything is in their proper places unlike when we have left them this morning. Every morning we usually leave the room in full mess yet when we return every afternoon or evening, whoever comes first, things are fixed and well placed.

First, I thought of Sir George’s dormitory having a super nanny like Mother Neria of Fatals Department but it’s Jaray who told me that the school employs the help of some helpful Brownies around. Though these days, they ask to be paid.

Well, Brownies are mostly humanoid yet smaller compared to man, let’s say, some might have been mistaken as household rats and others are average pet cat in size. Though it sounds funny, awkward, weird or a joke, they really wear only brown clothes. They’ve prove to be helpful of man, they’ve become firsts of those sets of elementals to befriend and trust mortals but when they were provoked, expect your house to be in havoc. Wew, good thing we never make our Brownies here angry.

Though they’ve become friendly to man, they never make themselves always visible to mortals, unless they really trust him. They often disappears when seen by man so man is left thinking whether, he’s got to call the pest control team for having rats in his house or he’s just hallucinating.

Brownies belong to Gnomes, Earth based elementals. They belong to the same group as elves, goblins and the like... Their physical appearance have differed from one another due to the fact that they’ve parted their ways in performing what they find interesting and to master their own kind of elemental abilities.

Alright, enough of that Brownies-talk... it makes me hungry though.

Jaray immediately sat on the sofa and buried his face behind his favourite book series, Percy Jackson, he’s finally at the last book whilst Lou threw a newspaper on the table and opened the television.

I, of course, have got no interest between readings or scanning the world for news, went straight to my bed and change. When I came back to see what’s for dinner, I happen to glance at the report at the TV which by now is flashing series of videos about a very old, ragged, filthy man in very long dirty-blue coloured robes with his long dusty grey beard swaying in front of the camera and the news was saying:

Alvis Berthro Abalone, 74, charged again of stealing for the seventh time this week. He was caught shoplifting a number of fresh fruits from the Supermarket this morning though the law enforcement team has given him sanctions and reprimands regarding the said act.

“He was caught for the seventh time this week yet he never learns.” One of the police said, “Well, he has been caught for the same reason last years but these series of robbery from him in just a week is just a manifestation that he never learns his lesson. We would like to take immediate actions regarding this matter.”

Alvis Abalone, a former well-known water elementalist who has been considered almost driven insane by, according to his claims of fighting all the D5 members years ago, lives in edge of The Yellowstone, a rich village of Earth tribes. Though he has been jailed for the same act last year, he doesn’t seem to be so cooperative with the law enforcers.


The last words of reporter drowned in the noise of clattering dishes as I fix myself a nice dinner.

“A man known for his ability, stealing foods? How ironic?” I reacted.

“Well he’s always in the news these days. Give it a month, his stealing wouldn’t be a news already.”Jaray replied though his attention is still focused on the book.

“Dinner anyone?” I asked as I sat down and started eating, “Why don’t they jail him for good?”

“Oh they’ve been doing that already but he just won’t stay inside the jail even just for a night. He always escapes and the jail guards suffer severe consequences other than loss of jobs or severe injuries from him.” Lou said. This time he sounds confident of what he says.

The Elementals II: Knit of FateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon