You wouldn't want to see hanging human corpse, do you?

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“He told me he’s gonna be somewhere today.” Roxy calmly said, at last she calmed down.

“But he is.” Jaray replied. “In the Central Post. You seem surprised that he’s with someone.”

“Yeah, I admit it. I shouldn’t be angry, there’s nothing between us.”

“There is.” I said, “Your feelings to him, you love him.”

The two of them went silent for a while, “Sometimes I doubt if it’s still love that I feel.” Roxy paused, “You know, sometimes it feels like you just want to correct things, like this is just a big concern to him or to those girls he fools...” She curled her lips.

“Tell me Roxy.” Jaray moved to her side, “What did you see in him that makes you decide you loved this guy?”

Roxy thought for a while, “He’s a bastard, playboy, stubborn, stupid, brainless Eh-and mysterious.”

“WOW!” the only word I was able to say.

“Those are everything? Like, ye-yeah...”

“Yeah Jaray,” Roxy smiled as if reminiscing, remembering, thinking or whatsoever what’s important is, she’s smiling like a stupid dog (do dogs  smile???), “A person doesn’t have to be perfect to be loved. The heart sees more than the eyes can.”

Jaray interrupted her daydream, “But eyes are the ones who see, literally-”

“Love is never literal, the heart sees more than the eyes.” Roxy protested.

“How can you love someone whom you can’t see?”

“Ask the blinds, they see more than we do sometimes.” Roxy beamed.

“I find it hard to rely on feelings only.”

“Because you never had fallen in love.” Roxy said and Jaray fell silent. Watching them debate is really like watching tennis game on play, your head bounces as the ball cross over the net.

Jaray shook away whatever he’s feeling, “How dare you Roxy! I did fall in love, you know.” And turned around.

My eyes met Roxy’s and we laughed at the bitter Jaray.

We left the going busier Central Posts and started towards the several boutiques and weird shops lined up along the streets. Probably Roxy has seen the curiosity in my eyes; she invited me to enter an extremely ancient wooden and creaky freaky spooky shop named: JAR-gon’s blood and everything else.

The air was damp inside, surprisingly moist under the heavy heat pouring from the sun. The welcome rag, greeting you at the front squeaky door seems like not inviting actually, it’s kinda spongy and felt like the Earth is swallowing your feet as some tiny eewy yucky frightening insects crawls away from the rag. I remember the cave experience, my goodness!

But the most uninviting probably are the shelves piled up to the ceiling with some candy jars which obviously would not be holding candies or  sweets judging from the look of the store, there were labels in each jars: Frog’s tongue, Porcupine’s pine, Lionfish’s mane (really??? I looked at what’s inside but it looks like the mane was actually its poisonous fins), Mashed-room (crushed mushroom actually), Bee’s stinger, and so much weird things. There’s also a shelf full of different blood from different creature, be it cold-blooded or warm-blooded and a shell of bones, some crushed some, wah! A human skull?

Jaray wandered farther inside while I stuck with Roxy, “Really Roxy? What are these things?”

“They are as what the labels tell you.” A cold breathy voice replied from behind, I jumped out of surprised while Roxy turned around calmly, “Fancy a drink teens?” a super ancient lady in gray torn robes said, licking the lid of the glass filled with green serum.

The Elementals II: Knit of FateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon