Chapter 2- Mistigris

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Mistigris (noun)

Meaning: a joker or other extra card played as a wild card in some versions of poker


<Lloyd's point of view>

"Mom calls my father what now?" Did I hear him right?

"Garmy!" Kai bursts out laughing; everyone joins in.

"The fearsome Garmy, bringer of evil!" Jay sniggers. I laugh at this one, too, even though I don't normally laugh at jokes people make about my dad. Garmy... I snort. Who could have guessed?

"What about a girl?" Cole's lips twitch as he tries to regain his composure.

"Garmy..." Jay smirks, still giggling. Cole stares at him, eyebrow twitching, and Jay holds his hands up in mock surrender. 

"Well, I, um... didn't overhear much, but, um..." Kai runs a hand through his hair.

"Butts are for sitting. Why were you eavesdropping on Sensei?" Zane frowns.

"Well, when I was going to get food, I heard Sensei, Misako, and Garmadon yelling at each other. So I listened in, and found out that there's this girl called the 'White Rose' who's gonna reveal herself somehow....and as far as the Overlord goes...." Kai hesitates. "We didn't beat him."

He winces at our loud groans as Zane points out, "At least you won't be bored, Kai." We moan louder. I would rather be bored to death than fight the Overlord again!

"That's not how I wanted you to hear about this, but we will make amends later." Sensei Wu appears behind Kai, who jumps about a foot in the air and spins around, then trips over Jay's feet and face-plants.

We all snicker, but stop when my uncle gives us a glare. "Come. Misako has some scrolls to show you and a prophecy to reveal."

We all get up and shuffle to the control room, where Nya, Mom, and Dad wait.

"You guys aren't going to believe this!" Nya grins. Jay goes over and wraps his arm around her.

Kai rolls his eyes. "No PDA with my sister!"

Mom clears her throat, and we all snap to attention. Tons of ancient scrolls are scattered on the table. "This isn't how we wanted you to find out, but thanks to Kai's spying, we have to tell you before you come to some conclusion that isn't right."

Dad grumbles under his breath about privacy. I go stand next to him, glad that he's back from 'the dark side'.

"So, these scrolls are about the White Rose?" Nya begins.

Mom nods in confirmation. "Yes, and Lloyd as well. Their prophecies are intertwined with one another. These are the original scrolls that speak of the White Rose, and everything I'm about to tell you is written right here. First off, the White Rose is, in fact, a female."

I give a slow nod to show I'm listening . I'm a little disappointed that our "boy band" thing's gonna be broken up, but hey, I like girls. Nya's cool, I guess. 

"Her main role in the defeat of the Overlord is to strengthen 'the chosen'," she continues. "That is, the five of you, probably, given that 'the chosen' is a being or group of beings-- I can't tell which-- that fights against 'ultimate darkness', which is probably the Overlord. You're supposed to protect her with your lives, because if she falls, 'the chosen' will turn to darkness and aid the ultimate darkness in generations of destruction and chaos."

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