Chapter 16-- Sun-Grazing

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Sun-Grazing (adjective)

Meaning: (as a comet) having an orbit which passes close to the sun


<Rose's point of view>

I stride out of the club, squinting as sunlight floods into my eyes. I do my best to keep my gait steady and face even.

Of course, the FGAI would send someone to check up on me. I can imagine our boss giving the order to Neil: Hey, remember the Black Rose, one of our top agents and the woman you worked with for a while? Yeah, can you babysit her for me? 

When Lloyd doesn't catch up to me, I huff and glare at the sky. I bet Neil's grilling him, trying to see if I've played my part and been a good little girl and otherwise followed all the rules. 

I look over my shoulder. When the door to the club swings open and a middle-aged lump man stumbles out, I turn back around. I bet Lloyd and Neil are having a nice, long happy chat, and I bet they're both cracking jokes about my height, ears, and attitude.

That's fine

Doesn't affect me, does it?

I can find Kit without him. I don't need Lloyd.  I work better alone.  

I speed-walk away from the club (and Lloyd). 

Think. Where would Kit drag her caretaker off too? 

Families zoom by me, and I hear screams from the nearby roller coasters, but I ignore it all. 

Maybe the Ferris wheel or the hall of mirrors? But where are those? Does this place even have them? I've never been to this park before, at least not to have fun. I need to find a map.

I sigh. Maybe it's just best to ask around and see if anyone's seen them as I search for a map.

I walk up to the nearest hot-dog vendor (excuse me, "Scare-Dog" vendor). His eyes droop and his cheek clumps against the fist he's resting it on. I smell burnt hot-dogs. My nose flinches. "Have you by any chance seen a blond nine-year-old anywhere?" 

"You're going to have to be more specific than that, sweetheart." He doesn't even look up.


I think I'm done with this park  already.

And people. I'm done with those, too. 

"She's got giant pink tails and is being escorted around by young men who look like they're heliophobic." With all the dark sunglasses and hoodies, they might has well be. 

I stare at him as he looks back at me, tapping his chin. I want to slam him into his station, but that would be unjust. My anger isn't at him. 

"Nah. Ya gonna buy anything?" 

I walk away without responding. He huffs and returns to slacking. 

My heels click on the concrete as I wander around, asking almost everyone I see about Kit. 

The answer is usually the same. Darn ninjas. We could be training right now, or doing something productive, but no. We had to come to the park, and I had to deal with these people--! 

As I glance around looking for someone I haven't already asked, somebody taps my shoulder. I spin around and sock a guy in the stomach, knowing full-well who he is but not really caring.

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