Chapter 17-- Divagate

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Divagate (verb)

Meaning: to stray or digress 


<Lloyd's point of view>

I run into the shop, blushing and smiling like a madman.

I've never been one for shyness, but that was just... I think m heart's gonna beat out of my chest. 

Wait a second. What if I just ruined everything? What if she never speaks to me again of what if it's awkward or-- 

Someone's muffled cries reach my ears. I put my thoughts aside. I can't afford to be distracted. What if it's a pirate with a captive? 

It turns out to just be a victim of the chaos the evacuation caused. A shelf fell on the lady whose making the noises. I wonder why she wasn't making noises earlier? Maybe we just didn't hear her somehow, or she got knocked out and just woke up.

I'll have to evacuate her out of the park-- I bet I could get Rose to aid me with that. Maybe that will sedate whatever sure-fire blow-up that's bound to happen later for not letting her participate and kissing her. 

Her dark brown eyes blink, and her brown hair scatters over her face. She quiets when she knows I've noticed her.

She dyed a little strip of her hair blond, which is kinda cool, I guess. I'm all for blonds.

She must be a really big fan of Mega Monster Amusement Park, because most of her clothing comes from this gift shop. She's got the tee-shirt and the crocs and everything (one of the crocs is thrown across the room though).  

I lift the shelf off of her. Maybe I should have let Rose some with me, it doesn't seem like there's a lot of danger. 

"You're the Green Ninja?" The person messes with her hair, tugging it to draw it forward and cover more of her face. Her accent is exotic; each syllable sliding and slinking and skipping with a fullness that makes her words almost seem like a song. 

"Yeah, that's me. Don't worry about it." I help her up. Her skin feels cold. I grab the shoe for her. 

She scans me over. There's something unsettling-- the little twitch of her lips, maybe-- but I don't really think about it. People have weird reactions when they find out about me sometimes.

I should get back to Rose soon before she disappears, and I don't have a chance to cover my slip up. What excuses can I give her that she'll actually buy though?

"Hey, so, uh, Mrs---" 

Oh, I'm no Mrs.... My name's Jezebel. Or Jezzie, should you be so bold.  

I hear her voice, but not with my ears. My heart rate spikes. "Wait, how are you---" 

A sudden sharp pain pries apart my mind, picking at each cell. Everything goes quickly from there, like fleeting thoughts or shadows in a lightshow. I screech.  

Be quiet, and be still. I'm expending my energy enough as it is having to do this to all five of you, and if you struggle it's only going to make it worse for the both of us. I'm weak as it is. Nothing compared to what I used to be when my wings made me soar... 

All my memories, young and old, surge to the front of my mind and I see them all play out over a span of seconds. My chest rises and falls, groaning with every loss all over again and rejoicing in every victory once more. I feel her, too--- Jezebel--- watching my story, feeling my story, knowing all of me in a way no one should. I feel her cold indifference, too. 

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