Chapter 3- Scofflaw

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Scofflaw (noun)

Meaning: a person who flouts the law


<Black Rose's point of view>

Patience. Aquila's words of wisdom bounce back and forth in my brain.

Patience? The federal government somehow got a picture of me in what was once Asterisk village, and now the FGAI is hunting me down like a mad dog. The last town I visited was supposed to have been a simple supply run, but the people there drove me out!

Or, more accurately, I escaped from their prison...Those fools only used handcuffs on me, so I easily made it to the edge of the small town after they "locked" me up. I would've gotten out without anyone noticing if it hadn't been for the obnoxious guard dog that howled loudly AND bit my leg.

If you're done licking the wounds to your pride, you should attend to your actual wound while we're in the air and we have some peace. Aquila chides me as she ascends, sending us higher into the slightly overcast sky. Being mentally connected with a dragon has its cons; like the constant nagging and sassing. On the other hand, I may or may not have forgotten about my wound.

What would I do without you?  

Well, right now you would be trying to run to the east, likely getting captured multiple times along the way which would significantly slow you down.  Aquila answers the rhetorical question.

Yeah, yeah...

I look at my leg. The blood has clotted and dried over the bite. It honestly isn't that bad, as I tend to heal extremely quickly on my own. Do you really need me to go over the reasons why you should heal it?  Aquila growls.

Yeah, because I totally can't see that she'll force me to no matter what. I sigh and summon my magic, concentrating it in the palm of my hand. Aquila hums in approval.

It looks like a compact ball of white light, and I hold my hand near my injured calf. The magic hovers around my palm before I shove it closer to the wound. Tendrils of light extend out and absorb into my injury. I stare at the wound as muscle grows back, blood disappears, and skin grows, sealing it shut. Light pulses faintly from the area, dims, and then fades. I move my hand away, and let the magic fade into the air around me.

Happy?  I snap. 

Stop being such a grump. You're just upset someone recognized you.

We pass between the purple mountains, which tower above us. The sun starts to set, and the sky overflows with bright pink and yellow colors. I let the sunlight warm my face and dance across my cheeks. My lips release a grin. It's not every day that I get to see something this beautiful, after all. Might as well appreciate it.

Aquila glides down into the narrow valley. I form a picture in my mind of the small opening in the trees ahead of us, communicating to her, and she flies down and lands with a thump. I slide off her back and pull up my hood. Relief fills my body, but dread lingers. I glance around the tiny clearing. 

No one's here. Aquila's voice soothes my worry. She would know if anyone was, since she can read minds. The mind is her element, after all. I trust her, but my eyes dart around even as I lie down next to her. She wraps her wings around me, forming a curtain between me and the outside world. Despite my paranoia, a feeling of safety washes over my cold skin. I know it's just Aquila using her element to calm me, but I give in.

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