Chapter 21- Futz

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Futz (verb)

Meaning: to waste time or busy oneself aimlessly 


<Willow's Point of View>

The folder is the forbidden fruit, and I'm no better than Eve.

I last about five minutes in the same room as it before I'm tipping the front cover open to glance at the title page.

Profile: the Ninja of Ninjago

Subfiles included

I slam the folder shut and hurl it across the room.

I march into the bedroom, tiptoeing when I get inside. Priorities, Willow. Get your priorities straight. That's why Aquila left you, isn't it?

I brush a stray curl from Kit's snoozing face. I kneel next to the bed and stare at her, trying to push all my thoughts away and for once focus on what's important. I sigh and rest my head on the bed, inches from hers. I wish I had her peace and joy. I wish... I wish Aquila were here.

Actually, I wish I had some knock-out medication.

I stand up to get ready for bed. If I don't read the file, I'm not prepared. If I'm not prepared, I can't go tomorrow. See? See! It's the perfect plan: I'll just sleep. So even if I want to go, I won't because I'm not prepared to!!!

Maybe I need sleep for other reasons.

Somehow, I end up preparing coffee for myself instead (my beans, despite what the Director claimed, have not gone bad. They're just a bit... less quality).

This is healthy.

The folder calls my name like a siren on the beach. I'm five seconds from chucking it out the flipping window when I hear Kit wail.

I burst into the bedroom, sword drawn. Katara is not about to swipe my--- no one's here but us. I put my sword back. "KitKat?"

She's crying, her fists rubbing at her eyes as tears stream down pale cheeks. I turn on a small light and sit on the edge of the bed. She plunges into my arms, scattering the thin sheet blanket. "It started off so good, Willy..."

"What did?" I croon. Is it sad that I have to rely on my spy training for this? Is it sad that years of manipulating people is what tells me to brush two fingers across Kit's cheeks and wipe her tears away with my thumb?

She looks up at me with ocean-filled eyes. All I want to do is bring her sparkle back. I tuck her head into my neck and fold my body over hers, letting her weep it out. "You... you were getting married to Lloyd..."

I choke.

"You... you had a big white dress on..." She hiccups, "I picked it out for you. I designed the whole wedding!" She beats her fist against my back. "Then this stupid big black dragon came and took everything away, even you!"

She pulls away, mouth agape. She holds onto my arms and shakes me. "It had the biggest teeth ever, and they were long and sharp, and, and, and!"

Kit bursts into a million more tears. I'm trying not to laugh. "KitKat, look at me. Look at me."

She looks. Her glistening cheeks puff up.

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