Chapter 14-- Transpicuous

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Transpicuous (adjective)

Meaning: transparent  


<Kai's point of view>

"Ok, so here's the basic block of the plan on how to defeat Katara," Cole announces, stealing a glance at Rose.

We're all in the bridge, brainstorming on how to bring Katara down. I flick my eyes over to Rose and Lloyd and smirk. Rose has her arms crossed and her hood up, and looks completely focused, or as completely focused as an expressionless person can get, but Lloyd... not so much.

 Lloyd keeps glancing from Rose to his bubblegum pink hair.

I snicker. Jay is snapping photos of it behind his back. At this point, we've all heard of their bet; and how Lloyd lost to a girl.

"We find out wherever she and the Black King are hiding, and then sneak in and take them out. Questions and concerns before we plan spesfics?" Cole looks around the room, his eyes resting on Rose.

"Uh, yeah. Remind me why we're shoving the girl we're supposed to protect with our lives into a danger zone?" I bristle. We didn't let Lloyd go out this early. We haven't even gotten to train her at all! 

"Because that woman can handle herself." Rose doesn't glare or snark. She looks at me like I'm a piece of drywall.

I glare and open my mouth to start ranting, when Cole cuts me off.

"Anything else?" Cole asks.

Rose nods. "Katara will know you're coming since fire elementals are naturally in tune with other fire elementals."

We all groan.

I scowl. "And why haven't you told us this before?" Her timing with information is actually the worst.

"You never asked."

AH-HAH. "This is just another reason she shouldn't come along!" I thow my hands into the air. I'm not quite sure what that reason is, but it's valid. I'll find it. 

"What do you mean 'coming along'? I was hunting her first. Besides, you're the one that would give away our position." Rose crosses her arms.

I slam my hands down on the meeting table that we're gathered around. "Well, now that your apart of our team, we get to decide who goes on what mission-- And I say you aren't going on this one!"

"Both of you stop!" Lloyd shouts. "Kai, Rose is coming. Rose, is there anything else about Katara that we should know before we go against her?"

"Yes. She's a master of muliple different fighting styles and manipulation. She's able to shrink too, but she likely won't use that due to precepts about a 'fair fight'. Do I have to state the obvious about her being a fire elemental and able to fly?" Rose dishes out the information, and her voice is completely emotionless despite her sarcastic remark.

We all blink a few times, trying to process what she just said. How can one person have that many powers? I'm still lost on why her sister has wings (yet another unexplained happening that ROSE IS NEVER GOING TO TELL US AT THIS RATE).

Zane is the first to absorb the information. "How petite can Katara become?"

Rose holds up her hand and separates her thumb and pointer finger about four, five inches. "Ah," is all Zane gets out after that.

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