Chapter 38--- Kaiidth

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Kaiidth (noun)


Meaning: literally "what is, is"


I'm up and moving before the end of the week, but healing myself strained my powers, so I'm still on break, technically. They even banned me from the training room. I feel light-headed and sick half the time, and my insides still burn on and off; but hey, I can move without my back killing me or bleeding out, so, worth it. Sensei and Zane make me drink the lemon-lime tea hourly.

To my left, the sea stretches out as endless and deep as the blue sky above. On our other side, the desert is its own sea. We have to sweep the decks twice daily to keep the sand off. Ninjago city's skyline isn't too far in the distance beyond that.

Jay mentioned that we may visit his parents before heading back to the school, but first we're waiting for Katara to make her move so the ninja can clean up the last bit of my mess. I'm basically here for bait.

I'd be less okay with that if it weren't for my own exhaustion and my reluctance to fight my sister, given all that's happened. Besides, I have a plan. I know what I need to do when she comes.

I sit on the upper deck of the Bounty, my back against the entrance to the control room,  watching Nya and Jay fix the sparring bot below on the poop deck. Kai broke it yesterday by accidentally setting its mustache on fire. Jay's loud laughing rolls over me, and Nya's sharp, witty interjections don't escape me either. Their banter is amusing. They go well together.

The others are below deck. I can hear the thump of their feet or a yell every so often, but for the most part, it's quiet. They are ninja, after all. Aquila sleeps beside the ship, her tail wrapped around her and wings folded over her head. Jezebel is with Mystake, wherever that happens to be. Mystake seems to think she can tame her. If Mystake were anyone else, I would be worried.

A sea-breeze floats across the boat, making me cough and gag.

I sip the cup, the edge of the fire-hardened clay smooth against my lips and warm in my hands. The teapot sits next to me. Sensei collects dishware and invests in only the best cups and teapots for himself and his students. He told me he got this simple, black and green glazed set from Mystake, many years ago.

I stare up at the sky. It's cloudy— a storm is brewing above the sea, which is part of the reason for all the wind. Kit keeps complaining because I'm "mopey." Sensei says I have a lot to process. Kai says I need a good kick in the butt. None of them think that I can hear them when I walk by.

I'm not mopey, or processing, and I certainly don't want anyone touching my butt. I'm just... thinking things through, trying to plan everything out. My entire race, or at the very least the half of them that I was raised with, hates me, and with good reason. My father will come for me so long as I have the pearl, too.

I had to explain the situation to the ninja not long after I woke up. They're involved now, whether I like it or not, and they should be prepared. Education can keep them from making stupid mistakes. They know what I am, what I've done in regards to my descent from the Legion and my people. They know the situation and the stakes.

Talk about the most uncomfortable, awful conversation of my life. Gah.

I finish this cup of tea, drinking every last drop. Nya and Jay separate, Jay striding below deck and Nya climbing to my level. She startles when she sees me, then chuckles.

"I didn't know you were up here. How long have you...?"

"A while."

Nya crosses her arms. "It's not polite to eavesdrop."

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