Chapter 7- Snollygoster

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Snollygoster (noun)

Meaning: a shrewd or unprincipled person


<Black Rose's point of view>

Freezing isn't the smartest thing I've ever done, because the black one takes the advantage and tackles me to the ground. We roll around, but my attention is elsewhere. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see the blue one attending to the red ninja who's knocked out.

A hearty laugh echoes in the foggy forest.

I manage to get on top of the black ninja. "Listen! I am not your enemy!"

I have bigger problems to deal with right now than over-glorified, everyday-is-pajama-day-at-work boys. 

He jabs my side, pushing me down. "What's that supposed to mean?!"

What does he think it means? I knee him in the groin. "Dolt." 

He howls and rolls off me.

I rise to my feet, peering through the fog. Where is she? Suddenly, a massive pair of arms wrap around my waist. I struggle and stomp my heeled boot down on his foot. He grunts in my ear, pained, but doesn't let go. "You better tell us what's going on, or I start squeezing you." 

Doesn't the black one have super strength? This isn't going to end well.

"You wouldn't believe me if I did. Besides, I can take whatever you throw at me." I act braver than I feel. I would prefer no to get any broken ribs today, thank you very much. 

"Wanna bet?" He scoffs. Honestly, I'd roll my eyes right now if I wasn't preoccupied with fighting.

"I don't exactly have a choice."

Another ninja in green steps in front of me. "There's always a choice. Why did you burn down the villages?"

I stare straight ahead. "I didn't."

I receive a squeeze for my answer, but I give no indication of pain. I won't let them have the advantage.

"Don't lie!" The black one snarls.

I grunt, still struggling. "Guess I won our 'bet' already, then."

The rest of the ninja circle around me, even the red one. Apparently he didn't hit the tree too hard.

"It is advisable not to deceive in situations like this," The white one points out.

"Who ever said she lied?"

I don't even have to look up to know who it is, but that doesn't stop me from jerking my head towards the sound. Her voice is like listening to your old favorite song when you went through that  phase: you know it by heart and love it a little, even if it makes you cringe. 

Hair made of red fire falls like rain past her shoulders and down her back. Her skin, dark and almost red but bright, glows like a star. Her wings, dragon-fly like, beat at a thousand miles a minute to keep her afloat. Her eyes gleam like flaming coals. Her ears jut out, sharpening into points. Her armor, as fireproof and other-earthly as she is, bears no subtleties. 


"Look, it's the busy little bee." I glare at her, trying to look as intimidating as possible while being held back. No way am I backing down now that she's watching. 

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