Chapter 25--- Arcane

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AN: Fan art above is drawn by the amazing and talented _RamenNoodleChild_

Arcane (adj)
Meaning: secret, mysterious, understood only by a few

<Kai's POV>

"And this was our first kiss," Jay holds up the picture, his highbrows high and head low. His grin is bigger than Ninjago.

Nya snuggles into his side, photobook on her lap and glue and tape next to her.

I cross my arms, scowling. Someone's got to watch them to make sure nothing gets out of hand.

They better leave room for Jesus and the Red Ninja.

Cole sits next to me on the couch, his legs crossed. He pats my shoulder. I shuffle and sink further into the couch.

Nya giggles at the photo. It's not even a real kiss, just the first time she kissed his cheek. "How'd you even get a photo of that?"

"Easy. The roller coaster camera." Jay smears the glue across the back of the photo.

Nya blinks. "...we didn't time it or anything though."

"It was destiny, babe." He kisses her cheek.

I pop up. Cole grabs my elbow and yanks me down, then clamps a hand over my mouth. I fume and cross my arms.

Zane said if I didn't make a scene he would make cake tonight. Cole's determined that cake be made.

Jay and Nya ignore us, but they're also smirking. I bet Jay's got something over Zane's head, making him threaten to not make cake. I bet Nya's in on it too!

Nya sighs. "I'm glad we got time to make the new photobook. I hate that we couldn't find the old one though."

Jay holds her hand. "Yeah. But let's just be glad you created that program that double-backs up all our photos instantaneously. My little genius..."

Nya blushes. "Oh, shush. I just didn't want to lose anything, that's all."

Cole sits up straight. "Wait, what? All photos are double-backed up? Or just yours?"

"All— even the security camera footage. Why?" Nya glances up.

Cole smacks his head. "Why didn't you say anything earlier? We could have gotten some headway on figuring out the whole FGAI meeting thing. The cameras should have recorded us leaving."

I wiggle out of Cole's grasp. "And we can figure out who deleted all the footage from the past week!"

Which is the real issue here. Once we found out there was this meeting that we attended that no one had any recollection of, we also discovered that that day, and pretty much the rest of the past week's security footage is just gone.

Which means a major security breach that we need to fix— and hopefully some new baddie to punch, too.

Nya's mouth gapes. "I can't believe I didn't think of that."

She grabs Jay's shoulders. "We might be able to find our old photobook with it too!"

Nya stands up. "I'll get right on it."

Jay follows her. "I'm coming with you!"

Cole pats my back. "See, that wasn't so bad. Now we get cake AND answers."


Some time later after dinner and cake, we all walk into the control room.

Nya bites her lip as she glances between us and the blank monitor. She fiddles with the remote control.

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