Chapter 27---- Apricity

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Apricity (noun)
Meaning: The warmth of the sun in the winter


<Kai's POV>

Holy Crap. Holy Crap.

We forgot an entire person! Two entire persons! And fake-remembered another one!

Cole paces around the length of the control room, muttering to himself. "This is bad, very bad." His head pops up. "Good that we remember... er, know of her. Bad that we don't have her."

I still don't remember much of them, really. The only completely clear memory I have is waking up Rose for sunrise exercise, courtesy of the video. 

The rest are fuzzy and few, like channels on an old static-y TV.  There's one of me yelling at her, in this very room, but I can't remember why. Then right next to it is a memory I now know to be false, of be chatting it up with Jezzie in this room, smiling over her 'perfect plan.'

Man, now that I know to look, I can see the holes and fakes in my memory everywhere. No one's plans are perfect except for mine, first of all— so that last one has got to be false.

Jay tugs out his hair. "Or Lloyd! Lloyd's with that creepy crocs lady still! He still thinks he's her boyfriend!" He grabs Zane's shoulders.

Zane pats his head. "I agree with Cole's assessment that Rose is probably in danger— given her habits in the short time we've known her, I calculate it to be around a 30% that she is in trouble already and a 70% chance that she is finding her way towards trouble. However, I doubt that Lloyd is in any danger yet."

Of course he would remember quicker than the rest of us. Nindroid and all. I wonder how Jezzie even made him forget in the first place.

Jay falls to his knees and flails his hands. And they say I'm the over-dramatic one. "How could he not be in danger?! She literally stole our memories! Who knows what else she can do?!"

Zane tilts his head. "Jezzie had not sought to harm us thus far, or steal any secrets. All our files other than the security cameras and ones dealing with Rose and Kit remain intact. She just wanted to replace the White Rose."

Cole's hands rubbed his temples. "You think she's a pawn rather than a player... someone to keep us busy and not suspicious. Someone to distract us. From what?"

"I sense it has something to do with our White Rose."

Dude, I could have sensed that.

Jay laughs in the high-pitched way he does when he's about to full scale freak out. "That still leaves Rose. The real one, and Kit. Who are both probably dying by Zane's calculations!"

"I did not calculate that they were dying. Only in danger."

Cole sighs, pulls up a chair, then slumps down into it. "We can't go into any situation unprepared. We need all our memories back before we can even try to hunt Rose down."

"Aquila," I blink. "The dragon that could fix us. Kit talked about her in the theme park— said the dragon taught her how to not be wiped, too..."

Nya stops staring at a place on the wall to look over at us. "If Rose wasn't memory washed like us, and if she had a dragon that could fix us... if she could save us, why didn't she...?"


My face numbs as I remember the night we met her, us all leaning on Sensei's door to ease drop.

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