Chapter 8-- Velleity

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Velleity (noun)

Meaning: a wish or inclination which is not strong enough to lead one to take action


<The Black Rose's point of view>

At this point, it's obvious that we aren't fairing too well. Katara can fly just as fast, even faster, than Aquila, and she has the advantage of being smaller, so she can make sharp turns with much more ease.

It doesn't help that she keeps shooting fireballs or teasing us with cyclones of fire, either. The sad part is that she's still playing with us. She's not even trying. 

I know her game, though. 

She doesn't want to just straight up kill me, not after what I did to her. She wants me to loose heart, to get on my knees and beg her to end it. She wants me to be grateful for my death. 

That's why she really came to watch the ninja fight me. She wouldn't have let them have the honor of ending it, but she would have let them drag me to the edge before interfering and hauling me off to whatever hell she's got planned. 

Aquila tries to break into Katara's mind, the one playing field we might be an advantage at, but she has strong blocks set up, so it's proving to be a more difficult process than we anticipated. I try not to think about the implications of those blocks (her mind should be open. She's not a mind elemental. I'm only able to have blocks because Aquila set them up).

I grip onto the white spike that's in front of me as we go barreling through the sky. G force usually doesn't bother me much, but I still feel like I'm going to upchuck. Katara goes fast, so we go faster (or give our all at trying too).

A roar blasts through my ears as Aquila takes another direct hit from Katara. I close my eyes and focus, letting my healing power flow into her body. Aquila may be strong, but even with the strength I lend her, I'm not sure we'll make it through this. Katara may want me on my knees before she kills me, but who knows what she thinks of incinerating my dragon.   

Wind pummels my face as I search ahead. My eyes widen. We're heading straight towards the flying ship.

Aquila, pull up!

She stretches her wings out, and pulls up just in time for me to get the small satisfaction of seeing the ninjas' utterly shocked faces. A small part of me yearns to call out for help, but I shove it deep down inside. They didn't me help before. Why would they bother now?

They would only get hurt, anyway.

Katara shoots another fireball at us, and we spin to the left to avoid it. I look back. Katara's body is completely covered in flames, and her wings are working overtime to keep up with us. Good, maybe she'll tire out after a while. She's not a phouka, she can't take this altitude for long. Her wings aren't built for it.   

Another shot comes hurtling towards us; this time we barely escape it.

Think. What can I do, or where can we fly that she can't follow.


Good start. Except we don't have any water with us. Bad start.

I look around at the scenery as we zoom across the land. We're still flying over the woods, and mountains are up ahead. Something shimmers behind a large break in the trees. Water.

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