A/N and Info about the Sequel

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Updated A/N: 

Thank the Lord, editing this beast is finished. PRAISE GOD ALMIGHTY. These characters are fun but I am SO done, too. 

Even as I say this, I'm kicking myself. So, the best thing for this series is probably NOT to do what I'm about to do, because author burnout is going strong, but hey, it's gotta happen. I'm writing an in-between thing, called "Garden of Weeds," which will be up soon. It's basically Willow and Kit romping around through the third and fourth seasons of Ninjago (which mind you, weren't even out when I first wrote this thing (yes, it's that old. Actually, I think the third season came out midway or something. Still)). I won't go beyond that. We're going to pretend, actually, that the later seasons just don't exist, and insert the sequel after the fourth season (Tournament of the Elements) and call it a day. 

Also, while the work will be based on the third and fourth seasons, I will obviously be changing some things up. Yes, major plot points will still hit, but things will vary a tad.  

And after I do "Garden of Weeds," I will write the sequel. And cry. I will cry too. 

Old A/N: 

Ok, so if you've been reading my previous author's notes, you know that's there's going to be a sequel titled "Undeniable". If you've been reading the comments, you know that this book is the first in a series. So if you are unsatisfied with how this book ended, that's ok, because this is the first in a series. And I happen to be a believer in happy endings, so don't worry about everyone but Jay dying or something like that happening.

Anyway, the sequel will not be coming out immediately. The first chapter will probably come out sometime around Easter. I'll post an update on here when it does, so that you guys don't have to check my profile constantly to see if I've added the book. Sorry for the long wait, but I have other books that I've been working on. I'll also post an update in this book for any new books I might put on wattpad... because, well, I've had a handful of ideas for Flash, TMNT, and other Ninjago fanfictions that I might or might not write down.

Now, for the part where I gush out how much I love all my readers (because I really do). A writer is nothing without readers, so thank you for bearing with me and being my audience. I love you all, and I wish I could give you all shout outs, but this book currently has 1.2 K views (YAY!!!!!!!!!) and its would take forever to list all of you down. So I'm just going to list down my top four commenters, 'cause I'm lazy. Also, if you're reading this in the future and you've commented your heart out, I love you too.

tmnt_fangirl5000 - You've made me laugh so hard (in a good way) with your continuous commenting on the characters actions! Thank you so much for your active commenting! Also, thanks for reading all my books.

OceanRose81 - Thanks for commenting! Saying when you've laughed (and fangirled) really helped me with the humor of this book and figuring out what worked and what didn't!

XxLori_ArchxX - Thanks for commenting! You kept me on my toes when it came to updating! Also, thanks for the support!

tmnt_fangirl_15 - Thanks for commenting! You've also made me laugh my guts out at times! So congrats!

I'll say it again-- I love all my readers. If you didn't get a shoutout and you did comment, I'm sorry. I promise, your comments did make an impact, and I do love them.

Over and out until Easter! Bye!

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