Chapter 4- Absquatulate

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Absquatulate (verb)

Meaning: to leave somewhere abruptly


<Lloyd's point of view>

Kit Pauline... she's one of the few students I know. I met her when the power went out due to a storm, and Jay had to go up and fix the electricity. She got trapped in an outdoor bathroom-- some jerk had locked her inside-- and I had to go rescue her. I came just in time, too; sparks were flying everywhere off of the water and the fried electrical hand-dryers. We've been good friends ever since.   

She's a nine-year-old kid who's incredibly fun to watch interact with the other students, because she has absolutely no filter between her mind and her mouth. Has she said something to get her in trouble? No, the agent is here for 'protection'. How is she not safe living in the same area as the ninja?

I stand up abruptly and ask Uncle this question. He pauses. "I...don't know."

Surprised, my brothers and I follow him out the door to greet the agent. They also know Kit, since she's very loud and outgoing. I think she even stopped Cole in the hallway once and asked him whether his earth powers were black or brown. When he responded that they were brown, she asked him why his gi wasn't brown. He didn't know. She said it must be because black was a cooler color than brown. I grin at the memory that isn't even mine.

When we meet the agent at the bottom floor, I am surprised to see that he looks exactly like what one would expect of a secret agent. His black suit, shiny back glasses, and even his slick, black hair are the perfect description of the stereotypical spy. He even wears a badge.

"Where is she?" He snaps.

"Why do you need her?" Sensei walks up to him. "We have to have a letter signed by the guardian of the child before the child is removed from our care."

Kai butts in. "And how the heck is moving the kid out of the protection of the five ninja more safe?!" Cole elbows him.

"The Black Rose may be coming to collect Kit." The agent answers shortly. My brothers and I share a confused look.

Even Sensei looked shocked. "Excuse me?"

"What evidence do you have?" Cole demands.

"Kit's guardian is the Black Rose. We have no idea where she's heading, as she's only been caught in one village. We need to take into account all possibilities." He checks his watch as he explains.

"I see." Sensei strokes his beard. "I do not believe, however, that she will be any safer with you than with us."

"That is your loss, but it will not be this child's. You have many children under your protection, and we will only have one. The Black Rose is a formidable enemy." The agent's face seems to soften slightly.

"Can someone explain to me how this woman can have a kid? I mean, she looks about the same age as us." Jay asks, scratching his head.

"Kit is not a biological child or relative of the Black Rose." The agent replies impatiently. "Now, I need the kid."

I step in front of him. "Hold on! How did a criminal get the right to have a kid under her protection?"

His expression drops. "She's... never done anything like this before. She just went AWOL and burned down a village. And that's IF she did it; we don't have an overwhelming amount of evidence. So she's always had the right to have child before now." His voice becomes more melancholy as he finishes speaking.

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