Chapter 23-- Macushla

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AN: not gonna lie I honestly forgot editing this was a thing for two solid months. I'll make fanart (author-art?) for it to make up for that. Speaking of, the above picture is author-art I did of Willow, like, three years ago. Her suit's not quite like that anymore but the art's quality enough so I'll let it stay up there


Macushla (noun)

Meaning: (Irish) an affectionate form of address


<Black Rose's Point of View>

I love heels because they give me the leverage I need to look people in the eye. I hate them because they click and clack on pavement.

The sound drives me mad and makes it near impossible to form a coherent plan. Not to mention the shoes were a pain to train in--- I can't count how many ankles I had to heal those months.

If only heels weren't such a necessary evil. I had no use of them before my arrival to Trylle--- I didn't even know what heels were, they're kind of a human phenomenon (What other culture would make these deathtraps a staple? Most species I know would revile the concept of shoes that confine instead of free)---- but upon my introduction the FGAI I was given a pair of heeled boots and expected to wear them. Thus began the annoyance.

Though, it wasn't long until I discovered their benefits. Mostly, I could now look the average human in the eye. Even on Trylle, eye-to-eye was one of those little things that being a Neutral snatched away. The humans' height difference was salt in an already bitter wound at first, but I managed. Until I didn't have to.

Eye-contact isn't even the end of it. For some reason or another, humans admire a graceful woman's movement in heels. If she can run in them, then they downright respect her. I suspect it's some kind of rite of passage or cultural nuisance, like a tie (Did humans start to wear ropes around their necks voluntarily at the same time they decided that walking on stilts was a good idea?).

Whatever the case, heels certainly make kicking people's faces fun.

I look forward to showing Jezebel just how fun. Maybe Katara too, if I could get her to come down from her airspace.

My thinking comes to an abrupt, fiery halt. Hands like hot stoves snatch me by my armpits. I'm heaved into the air. Heat pools like lava under my skin.

I gasp and clench my teeth. I can smell my skin burning. The air feels like an oven. The short cut that I took is now 100 ft below me. The distance broadens by the minute.

Minute, because despite the initial whoosh from taking off and her wings' best efforts, an Enlighted's wings can only bear so much.

Katara's wings struggle to keep us both in the air. She strains to make us both rise.

"Hey, if I drop you from this height, you'll still heal, right?" Katara's fingers claw into my armpits like hot irons. I'm sweating all over--- I can heal my skin almost as fast as she can burn it. Doesn't ease the pain.

"Cause this was... a much better idea in my head.... how much weight have you put on since neutralizing? I thought your body was supposed to.... whither away, not gain bricks.... by the hour!"

"Falling to my death would be... too anticlimactic for your taste... wouldn't it?" I offer her a glare that would have been much more intimidating if I wasn't completely at her mercy or if Aquila was right around the corner. This isn't that high--- but I would still die if I were dropped.

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