Chapter 20-- Novaturient

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AN: Thanks so much for the support I've gotten so far, your comments have really helped me keep going. I literally freak out every time I see there is a new one. So keep it up, and keep voting, commenting, and fangirling/fanboying (or more importantly, announcing that you fangirled/fanboyed).

Updated AN:  8/28/18-–The art is mine. I drew that. 


Novaturient (adjective)

Meaning: desiring or seeking powerful changes in one's life, behavior, or situation


<Rose's point of view>

Never in my life have a seen a friendlier face than when I finally pick Kit up from the police department.

She jumps on me, wrapping her legs around my torso and her arms around my neck. She buries her head in my neck. Her blond curls tickle my nose.

              I almost start crying again. Today's been too long. I hold her as close as I can. I rock us back and forth.

              I'm not going to run away from Kit. Not anymore. She's staying right by my side. I'm not even going to get back in the game; duty, ninja, and prophecy be darned. I've got my sister—the sane one—to look after, and she's coming first from now on.

              "Willy! They forgot you. We need to find Aquila so we can fix them!" Kit pulls away but stays in my arms. Her hands fly to my cheeks and she grabs my cheeks.

              It's hard to speak when she does that (she's not soft about it) but I manage. "I... I don't think Aquila is coming, Kit-Cat."

And I don't want her to, either. No more hero business, no more fighting. Even if we make up, she'll just drag me back to the ninja in the name of a prophecy that was most likely written by a half-dressed man sitting by a fire in a cave while smoking something. "It's ok. We're gonna be fine without her." 

Kit wiggles out of my arms and drops to the ground. Her brow furrows. She plays with her hands and looks at the ground. "But... we've always had Aquila. Aquila's family."

"Sometimes families break, Kit-Cat. Sometimes people screw up, really bad, and they... families just break sometimes, ok?" I squat and look her in the eye. 

She blinks. Her lip quivers. "Break like Mommy and Daddy did?"

I pause. Does she think that Aquila...?

I shake my head. "No. Mommy and Daddy never broke away, or else they wouldn't be here with us still, right here." I poke her chest. "Mommy and Daddy live in you, Kit-Cat. Don't forget that."

Kit grabs my hand and uses it to poke my chest. She grins. "They live in you too!" She pauses then jabs my finger in my chest till it hurts and I pull away. "I think you forget that more than I do, Willy."  

I'm silent.          

I wrap things up with the police department, which consists of enduring screening and the various checks to make sure I'm really Kit's guardian. I'm more than ready to leave this behind.

Kit and I step out into the darkening Ninjago City sky.

"How about we get some ice cream, huh? You and me. Then we can go find a place to stay tonight, then tomorrow we can go home-hunting." I'm thinking something completely off the grid. In the middle of a jungle—no, too many bugs. Maybe in a forest under a rock. Or another dimension altogether if I can get my hands on some traveler's tea.

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