Chapter 13-- Pyrophoric

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Pyrophoric (Adjective)

Meaning: capable of igniting spontaneously in air


AN:  shout out to all the people who have commented. I love reading them.

Update: the official shipname for Lloyd and Rose: GreenRose



<Lloyd's point of view>

The hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Rose stiffens, and her mask falls on her features again, like an unscalable wall.

Aw, come on! I was this close to getting her to open up to me! This close!

We both look towards who's talking, or in my case, glare.

Katara's flying right in the air space next to us, looking down on us. Her wings buzz like a hummingbird's, they're flittering so fast. One of her eyebrows arches, and she wears a wicked smile on her face. I can feel the heat from her fiery hair from where I sit. It swirls and arches with the wind.

You know what, I put off questioning about Katara for too long. Who is she? What  is she?

And why is her hair like that? It looks a little like that girl's in the comics, oh, what's the series called--- Teen Titans! Starfire, if I can remember correctly. 

Katara points at me. "Come on, Willy, you can do better than a human. Or can you? You're just a Neutral now, after all. I guess when you're a Neutral you can go around kissing humans, no problem. You're just as breakable as they are now. Not like your real Beloved would ever take you in at this state, anyway." 

Kissing? We weren't about to kiss! Not unless I wanted Rose to throw me off my own dragon, anyway. We were just close because the saddle was small, and---

"Where'd you hear that name?" Rose growls, breaking my train of thought.

Katara pokes her red lip. "Oh, the Willy one? You go by so many names, it's hard to keep track of where I hear them all. I think Rosie is your best one though. Makes you seem so fragile, like a little fledgling... Oh! I remember,"

Katara's grin spreads across pearly white teeth. "Speaking of little fledglings, I picked it up from a small blondie. 'Bout this big." Katara draws a line in the air. Fire follows her finger tip until there's a burning image of a girl with pigtails floating in the air. 

Kit! Is she ok?

Rose lunges at Katara at the mention of Kit. I snatch her arms and pull her back. The middle of the sky would not be a good place to fight Katara; Katara would have every advantage. Rose's muscles ripple with tension under my grip.

"Now thinking of it, you've always had a soft spot for little girls. Especially the ones with pigtails. have you ever considered opening an orphanage? Call it 'Rosie's Little Garden', then under the sign in really small print it could say, 'Possible health risks include: never living to be past ten years of age. Death through various means, including but not limited to being used as firewood, a shooting target, and a meal'." 

I feel like puking. "You're sick." 

Katara doubles over as she laughs. Glee spreads from one cheek to the other, leaving a bright pink trail behind.

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