Chapter 12-- Eurhythmic

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Eurhythmic (Adjective)

Meaning: in a harmonious proportion


<Black (White?) Rose's point of view>

I wake up to find that I'm not where I drifted off,  so I keep my eyes closed.

The smell of the woods doesn't penetrate my nostrils, birds don't singing in my ears, and most alarmingly: I'm not cuddled up next to Aquila.

This is never a good thing.

I feel for chains or anything of the sort, only to find that I'm unbound. Maybe whoever took me gave me a knockout serum, but it didn't last as long as they thought it would. That tends to happen a lot.

The possibilities well up inside me, filling my head with worry.

No. The green one took you back onto the flying man-craft. Didn't seem to think I could take care of you on my own.  Aquila soothes my mind.

Oh yeah. The ninja had taken me in to "help" me hunt down Katara... And it turned out I was the White Rose, because apparently Lloyd seeing me "sparkle" (how the frick was I sparkling? That's a little disturbing and a bit humiliating, I hope he doesn't mention it to anyone.) is some grand sign.

Great. Wonderful.

I'm totally up for being the White Rose, slave of destiny. But it's for the greater good, so oh well, better go pick daisies and do whatever the prophecy says, personal goals be darned. Who needs dreams, anyway?

Stop sassing yourself and get out of bed.

I open my eyes and shudder. I stare at the ceiling.

I've traveled dimensions to escape what others wanted me to be. I've fought countless people and worked hard to achieve my dream of just being free, to have the freedom to walk my own path unhindered.

Now fate has slapped me in the face, again. I can't choose my own path. I can't be free. Maybe I should just run away. Go to another dimension. Maybe there I can--

No. You are not a coward, and you do not run away. Especially from this-- these people need you to defeat the Overlord, whether you like it or not. Think about Kit. What would become of her if the Overlord took over?  What example are you setting for her?

Fine. For Kit then.

Then, she adds in a softer voice, You are who you choose to be. Fate can change your circumstance, but it can't touch the core of who you are.

I sit up and pretend that I don't feel the biting disappointment of a lost dream. I hear her sigh in my head, but I ignore it and climb out of bed.

Or fall, to be precise.

I hear Aquila chuckle in the corner of my mind. I land with a thump and look up. I had been on the top bunk. I sigh and glance around, not bothering to sit up. I'm in Nya's room, and basing on the light coming out of the window it's late morning. 

My shoes and cloak are nowhere in sight, but besides that I'm completely dressed. No one else is in the room, and guessing by the way the bed below mine is sloppily made, that's where Kit slept. I sit up and rub my eyes, trying to adjust them to all the red and gold decor.

I don't get much of a chance before all five ninja come bursting through the door.

I instinctually reach for my bow and arrow, only to find they're not behind my back. Oh yeah. I left them back in the forest on accident. I curse myself. 

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