Chapter 24--- Lamprophony

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Lamprophony (noun)

Means: Loudness or clarity of voice


I did end up passing out due to heat exhaustion. It wasn't pleasant. Everything that happened afterward is... spotty. It's hard for me to stay unconscious for long since I heal so quickly, so I'm sure that I must have faded in and out for a while.

I'm fairly sure that Katara dropped me once or twice, too. Whether it was for the heck of it or her grip actually slipping I don't know.

All I remember is looking up at the sky above me, the cloud like giant white wisps. Wind whooshed around me as I fell, tumbling--- sky then earth, sky then earth--- to the ground. I remember taking a breath and closing my eyes, my heart still and calm.

I don't know what saved me. Maybe it was all some twisted, unconscious dream.

Whatever the case, I wake up in a space that was entirely pitch black.

I touch my face--- backing my hand and drawing it close to my nose over and over again, knowing my hand is there but unable to see it. The cold and damp air hangs on my shoulders and pricks my skin. It smells of old rocks and damp earth. Something drips on my forehead.

Probably in a cave. Great.

I pull my knees to my chest--- only to find out that a heavy weight, probably a manacle, is attached to my ankle.

I reach out to touch it. Heat scorches my skin. I screech and snatch my hand away. 

A welt forms on my hand, swelling and blistering. I can't heal it--- iron. I'm chained by iron. 

Great. I shudder.

Okay, I can still get out of this. I've gotten out of worse situations plenty of times.

I check over my body, wiggling my legs and arms and nose. I feel my face and hair. Okay. So aside from the hand that I just burnt, I'm pretty much all healed, except for half of my right eyebrow which is still burnt off. Thanks, Katara. She also stole my shoes (in her mercy, however, she left me my socks).

I'm also stripped of my arma. My sword is just gone.

Ok, I just have to get out of the iron manacle. That's all I have to do. I feel through my hair till I get to my bun and take out a pin. Oldest trick in the book--- either Katara was too exhausted to check or it's a trap within a trap.

I pick the manacle of my foot, careful not to touch the iron. I hear it click, then clank. The pressure on my ankle releases. I wiggle my foot out.

I redo my hair and crawl around. The area's pretty confined, so if it's a cave, it's pretty small.

Then I hear Katara's laughter echoing around the walls, low, cackling, and rolling. It's the kind of laugh that would make you giggle with her; unless, that is, you're being chained up in a cave and are possibly about to die at her hand.


No. Can't die yet.

I feel around the walls, searching for something, anything. The rock is rough under my skin. An earth elemental would be useful right now, to tell me where the rock thins and thickens or breaks. They would know they best way to break out of here.

An ice elemental could freeze the rock over, letting the ice escape into the cracks, and then expand that until a hole to the top existed. A fire elemental could light the way. A lightening elemental would be practically useless--- but who knows?

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